我看过自定义 biblatex 样式的指南但仍然需要一些帮助。我希望第二个非连续的脚注是作者年份,页码。
- 马克·吐温,汤姆·索亚(纽约:纽约大学出版社,1990 年),201。
- 同上,220。
- 保利·肖尔,我的生活(伦敦:HM P.,2001),13-14。
- 吐温 1990,21。
- 吐温,汤姆·索亚,201。
这是我的 MWE
% this is compiled from commandline
%"latexmk -xelatex -f stackexample2.tex"
\usepackage[notes,backend=biber,bookpages=false,doi=false,isbn=false,url= false]{biblatex-chicago}
The first ref looks fine.\ac[50]{NAHIR1978} Also a firstcite.
\autocite{kuzar} So is this one.\autocite[26]{horvath97} Ibids work great.\autocite[26]{horvath97} Also this Ibid.\autocite[29-34] {horvath97} Here I want an Author-Date Style footnote. "Nahir 1978, 29."\ac[29]{NAHIR1978}" This one is "Kuzar 2001,45." Help me! \autocite[45-46]{kuzar} First cite again.\autocite[201]{Wexler1990}Two authors on a second cite should be Last and Last year, page."Horvath and Wexler 1990, 55."\autocite[55]{horvath97}
Here is "Wexler 1990, 200." Except it's not.\autocite[220] {Wexler1990}
%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk.
%% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8)
Author = {Wexler, Paul},
Date-Added = {2015-09-17 17:22:17 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2015-09-17 17:22:17 +0000},
Isbn = {3447030631},
Pages = {146},
Publisher = {Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz Verlag},
Title = {{The Schizoid Nature of Modern Hebrew: A Slavic Language in Search of a Semitic Past}},
Url = {https://books.google.com/books?id=q\_ebGe7FhVEC\&pgis=1},
Year = {1990},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://books.google.com/books? id=q%5C_ebGe7FhVEC%5C&pgis=1}}
Author = {Kuzar, Ron},
Publisher = {Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter},
Title = {Hebrew and Zionism: A Discourse Alalytic Cultural Study},
Year = {2001}}
Author = {Horvath, Julia and Wexler, Paul},
Pages = {211},
Publisher = {Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz Verlag},
Title = {{Relexification in Creole and Non-Creole Languages: With Special Attention to Haitian Creole, Modern Hebrew, Romani, and Rumanian}},
Url = {https://books.google.com/books?id=XHd2ACl7l4UC\&pgis=1},
Year = {1997},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://books.google.com/books?id=XHd2ACl7l4UC%5C&pgis=1}}
Author = {Nahir, Moshe},
Booktitle = {International Journal of the Sociology of Language},
Journal = {International Journal of the Sociology of Language},
Number = {18},
Pages = {49-68},
Title = {{Normativism and Educated Speech in Modern Hebrew}},
Volume = {1978},
Year = {1978},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/ijsl.1978.18.49}}
\usepackage[notes,backend=biber,bookpages=false,doi=false,isbn=false,url=false, labeldate]{biblatex-chicago}
\newfontfamily\hebrewfont{Times New Roman}[Script=Hebrew]
%\begin Chicago-Author Date Footnotes Changes
. . . insert code here from answer . . .
%\end of my Chicago-Author Date Footnotes Changes
Was the\ac[50]{NAHIR1978} Also a firstcite.
\autocite{kuzar} So is this one.\autocite[26]{horvath97} Ibids work great. \autocite[26]{horvath97} Also this.\ac[29]{NAHIR1978}
首先是强制性警告。此更改将偏离 CMS 引用要求。使用时请自担风险。
专门为实现 CMS 的愿望而构建的,因此这里呈现的结果可能 (a) 从美观和可用性的角度来看并不完全令人满意,您基本上是混合了“authoryear”和“authordate”风格,并且 (b) 在极端情况下无法给出预期的结果。
{\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{magazine}% Simplify .bib creation
togl {cms@allshort}%
test {\ifbibliography}%
\printfield{labelyear}\printfield{extrayear}}}% changes to this macro were here...
\printfield{labelyear}\printfield{extrayear}}}}%:\thefield{entrytype}? ... and here
\renewbibmacro*{cmsorigdate}{% New for 0.9
\renewbibmacro*{date}{% New for 0.9
{\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{magazine}% Simplify .bib creation
togl {cms@allshort}%
test {\ifbibliography}%
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The first ref looks fine.\ac[50]{sigfridsson} Also a firstcite.
\autocite{geer} So is this one.\autocite[26]{worman} Ibids work great.\autocite[26]{worman} Also this Ibid.\autocite[29-34]{worman} Here I want an Author-Date Style footnote. "Nahir 1978, 29."\ac[29]{sigfridsson}" This one is "Kuzar 2001,45." Help me! \autocite[45-46]{geer} First cite again.\autocite[201]{baez/article}Two authors on a second cite should be Last and Last year, page."Horvath and Wexler 1990, 55."\autocite[55]{worman}
Here is "Wexler 1990, 200." Except it's not.\autocite[220]{baez/article}
Lorem\autocite{knuth:ct:b,knuth:ct:c} ipsum\autocite{knuth:ct:b,knuth:ct:c}.