pgfplots 中的填充问题

pgfplots 中的填充问题

我正在尝试生成一个图,其中我想要对 x 轴、等边双曲线 x^2 − y^2 = 1 的右侧分支以及当 x 在 0 和 1 之间变化时 y=x 直线所包围的区域进行着色。这将是示例中由 y=x 直线、x 轴和等边双曲线的右侧分支(蓝色曲线)所包围的区域。

示例 LaTeX 代码如下。当我使用 pgfplots 中提供的“填充之间”命令时,我没有得到想要的结果。出于某种原因,最后一个在等边双曲线(蓝色曲线)的右分支和 x 轴之间填充“白色”的命令没有按预期工作。我做错了什么?



% Point on equilateral hyperbola
  % Set the same unit vectors
  x=1cm, y=1cm,   
  % Number of samples
  % Ensure axis cross at origin
  axis lines=middle,
% The x-axis
\path[name path=axis] (axis cs:0,0) -- (axis cs:\XCoord,0);
% Equilateral hyperbola
\addplot [domain=-1.75:1.75,blue,very thick,%
  name path global = branchRight]({cosh(x)}, {sinh(x)});
\addplot [domain=-1.75:1.75,name path global = branchLeft]%
  ({-cosh(x)}, {sinh(x)});
% Line 
\addplot[gray,domain=0:\XCoord,name path global = LineToPoint]%
% Filling between line and x-axis
\addplot[gray] fill between[of=axis and LineToPoint,%
  soft clip={domain=0:\XCoord}];
% Filling between right branch of equilateral hyperbola and x-axis
\addplot[white] fill between[of=axis and branchRight,%
   soft clip={domain=1:\XCoord}];

上述代码的输出如下所示: 输出用于曲线间填充的 LaTeX 代码




% Point on equilateral hyperbola
  % Set the same unit vectors
  x=1cm, y=1cm,   
  % Number of samples
  % Ensure axis cross at origin
  axis lines=middle,
% The x-axis
\path[name path=axis] (axis cs:0,0) -- (axis cs:\XCoord,0);

% Equilateral hyperbola
\addplot [domain=-1.75:1.75,blue,very thick,%
  name path global = branchRight]({cosh(x)}, {sinh(x)});
\addplot [domain=-1.75:1.75,name path global = branchLeft]({-cosh(x)}, {sinh(x)});

% Line 
\addplot[gray,domain=0:\XCoord,name path global = LineToPoint]{(\YCoord/\XCoord)*x};
\path[name path=yline] (axis cs:2,-5) -- (axis cs:2,5);

% Filling between line and x-axis
\addplot[gray]fill between[of=axis and LineToPoint,soft clip={domain=0:\XCoord}];

% Filling between right branch of equilateral hyperbola and x-axis
\addplot[white]fill between[of=branchRight and yline,soft clip={domain=1:2}];


\path[name path=yline] (axis cs:2,-5) -- (axis cs:2,5);


\addplot[white]fill between[of=branchRight and yline,soft clip={domain=1:2}];
