siunitx 在处理大数字时产生“数字太大”错误

siunitx 在处理大数字时产生“数字太大”错误



  trim cells=true,
  col sep=comma,
  secure header/.style={
    columns/#1/.append style={
      column name={\multicolumn{1}{c}{#1}},
  si column/.style={
    columns/#1/.append style={
      string type,
      column type={S[table-format=2.2e1]},

number to print: 3433010912

siunitx result:

works, doesn't work
147385274, 3433010912

this table is wrong:

% this produces an error
\sisetup{scientific-notation = engineering, table-auto-round=true}
  columns={works, doesn't work},
  secure header/.list={works, doesn't work},
  si column/.list={works, doesn't work},

this table is right, but the alignment for the long header is not nice:

% this works
  columns={works, doesn't work},
  columns/works/.style={sci,sci sep align},
  columns/{doesn't work}/.style={sci,sci sep align},

生成的 pdf

我从 pgfplotstable 中获取要打印的数字,因此也从 csv 文件中获取。我发现所有与 siunitx 和“数字太大”相关的问题都与数字太小且位数太多有关,但与数字实际上太大无关。

我如何获取 siunitx 的值以使其可读?


该问题已在 siunitx 版本 2015/09/14 v2.6l 中修复,可在 texlive 2015 中找到。因此答案是:使用当前软件。
