\newcommand{\CurrentSubStage}{} % will be defined in each stage loop
\foreach \stage in \Stage {
\renewcommand{\CurrentSubStage}{ \expandafter\csname SubStage\stage \endcsname }
The Macro replacement of {\tt CurrentSubStage} looks the same as Macro replacement of {\tt SubStage\stage}:
\CurrentSubStage\ is the same as \expandafter\csname SubStage\stage \endcsname .
But really they are different: Consider first the output from looping over {\tt CurrentSubStage}:
\foreach [count=\ii] \substage in \CurrentSubStage {
\item Substage number \ii\ is \substage \\
and then this output from looping over {\tt SubStageOne}:
\foreach [count=\ii] \substage in \SubStageOne {
\item Substage number \ii\ is \substage
In the second \verb|\stage| iteration, i.e. ``Two'', I want to loop over \verb|\SubStageTwo| as in the \verb|\SubStageOne| that creates four rather than one item. But I do not know how to to call \verb|\Substage\stage| (This is why I created \verb|\CurrentSubStage|). My questions:
\item How can I define macro \verb|\CurrentSubStage| such that it does not treat the set of numbers as a single string so that the corresponding \verb|\substage| loop gives an iteration for each number?
\item Is there a possibility to do something like:\\ \verb|\foreach [count=\ii] \substage in \SubStage\stage { ...|?
\item I need to define an ``output'' macro at the end of each \verb|\stage| iteration: Something like \verb|\newcommand{\SubStageOutputOne}| in iteration One and \verb|\newcommand{\SubStageTwoOutput}| in iteration Two. (In my application, this output is a permutation of the set |\CurrentSubStage|. I want to ``save'' this permutation in a macro and call it later, at the end of the document.) In short, how can I include something like \verb|\newcommand{\SubStageOutput\stage}| at the end of each \verb|\stage| loop?
[Final note: For my actual purpose, the set \verb|\Stage| contains 6 elements and each \verb|\SubStage| set contains between 3 and 10 elements each.]
{\csname SubStage\stage\endcsname}%
也就是说,您需要将其扩展为 中的值\csname SubStage\stage\endcsname
是一个 TeX 命令,它会在将其分配给它定义的宏之前完全扩展宏定义中的所有内容。在您的示例中,实际上
\edef\CurrentSubStage{\csname SubStage\stage\endcsname}
在 LaTeX 中并不推荐。最好使用\ttfamiy
,请参阅使文本加粗/斜体的“正确”方法是什么?以供参考。- 代码中的
in完全没用:它之前尝试扩展但无法扩展。\expandafter\csname SubStage\stage \endcsname
\newcommand{\CurrentSubStage}{} % will be defined in each stage loop
\foreach \stage in \Stage {
{\csname SubStage\stage\endcsname}%
The Macro replacement of \texttt{CurrentSubStage} looks the same as Macro
replacement of \texttt{SubStage\stage}:
\CurrentSubStage\ is the same as \csname SubStage\stage \endcsname .
But really they are different: Consider first the output from looping over
\foreach [count=\ii] \substage in \CurrentSubStage {
\item Substage number \ii\ is \substage
and then this output from looping over \texttt{SubStageOne}:
\foreach [count=\ii] \substage in \SubStageOne {
\item Substage number \ii\ is \substage
In the second \verb|\stage| iteration, i.e. ``Two'', I want to loop over
\verb|\SubStageTwo| as in the \verb|\SubStageOne| that creates four rather
than one item. But I do not know how to to call \verb|\Substage\stage| (This
is why I created \verb|\CurrentSubStage|). My questions:
\item How can I define macro \verb|\CurrentSubStage| such that it does not
treat the set of numbers as a single string so that the corresponding
\verb|\substage| loop gives an iteration for each number?
\item Is there a possibility to do something like:\\
\verb|\foreach [count=\ii] \substage in \SubStage\stage { ...|?
\item I need to define an ``output'' macro at the end of each \verb|\stage|
iteration: Something like \verb|\newcommand{\SubStageOutputOne}| in
iteration One and \verb|\newcommand{\SubStageTwoOutput}| in iteration
Two. (In my application, this output is a permutation of the set
|\CurrentSubStage|. I want to ``save'' this permutation in a macro and call
it later, at the end of the document.) In short, how can I include
something like \verb|\newcommand{\SubStageOutput\stage}| at the end of each
\verb|\stage| loop?
[Final note: For my actual purpose, the set \verb|\Stage| contains 6 elements
and each \verb|\SubStage| set contains between 3 and 10 elements each.]