在 tikzposter 中自定义块样式

在 tikzposter 中自定义块样式

我希望根据以下模板创建定制的海报主题: 目标模板


\documentclass[25pt, a0paper, portrait, margin=0mm, innermargin=25mm,
blockverticalspace=15mm, colspace=15mm, subcolspace=8mm]{tikzposter}






%% Default font: lmodern, doesn't require fontspec % solves some default warnings

%% XeLaTeX fonts: (comment out if you don't use XeLaTeX)

\defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text}  % This seems to be important for mapping glyphs properly

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% \setmainfont{Gill Sans Light}     % Prettier, but harder to read


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% Title Colors
% Block Colors
% Innerblock Colors
% Note colors

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        \color{titlefgcolor} {\Huge \textbf{{\addfontfeatures{Scale=1}{\addfontfeatures{FakeStretch=0.9}\@title}} } \par}
        {\Large \@author \par}

\title{Mobile C-arm Deformation and its implication on Stereoscopic Localization}
\author{Maximilian Neidhardt, Omer Rajput*, Daniel Drömann and Alexander Schlaefer}

    \block{Medical background}{         
            Accurate localization in minimally invasive procedures is challenging, particularly in the presence of non-ideal imaging systems. Mobile C-arms present a widely guidance, e.g., during bronchoscopy. However, the localization accuracy is susceptible to non-idealities like gravitational deformation of the C-arm gantry. We present a simulation study of the effects of the deformation on the external tracking of the gantry pose and the marker based pose estimation from within the X-ray images. 
    \block{Methods and materials}{          
            \textbf{C-arm pose estimation:}  We compare two approaches for the C-arm pose estimation. First, the C-arm gantry is tracked externally using an optical camera. Second, a stationary rigid marker system of a known geometry and the corresponding X-ray images are system relative to the C-arm by the POSIT algorithm.

            \textbf{Target Localization:} After the relative transformation between two poses of the C-arm gantry is known, the target (e.g., a tool position) can be reconstructed in 3D by using the two X-ray images acquired at these two poses. For an ideal system, it is straight-forward to estimate the target in 3D space by triangulation (Fig. 1a). However in the presence of non-idealities, the selection of reference frame for triangulation becomes crucial.

            \textbf{Deformation analysis:} For our analysis, we use a C-arm model based on a clinical system (BV Endura, Philips Medical Systems - Fig. 1b). The deformation of the model due to the gravitational force is analyzed by using the finite element method (FEM).

上述 LaTeX 代码的输出。



另一个选择是重新定义\block宏以包含更粗的版本\hrulefill(参见\hrulefill 的厚度是多少) 位于块标题之后。代码变得相当长,因为该定义相当长,因此您可以考虑将其放在单独的文件中。

的定义\block是从 复制而来tikzposter.cls,仅做了两处更改:从\newcommand\renewcommand,并且增加了\thickrulefill

请注意,我添加了demo类选项,因为我没有您的图像,并且注释了\setmainfont\setsansfont,因为我没有安装 Gill 字体。还请注意,您不应该使用加载fontencfontspec所以我删除了前者。


\documentclass[demo,25pt, a0paper, portrait, margin=0mm, innermargin=25mm,
blockverticalspace=15mm, colspace=15mm, subcolspace=8mm]{tikzposter}






%% Default font: lmodern, doesn't require fontspec % solves some default warnings

%% XeLaTeX fonts: (comment out if you don't use XeLaTeX)

\defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text}  % This seems to be important for mapping glyphs properly

%\setmainfont{Gill Sans MT}         % Beamer ignores "main font" in favor of sans font
%\setsansfont{Gill Sans MT}         % This is the font that beamer will use by default
% \setmainfont{Gill Sans Light}     % Prettier, but harder to read


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\definecolorstyle{mtec} {
% Background Colors
% Title Colors
% Block Colors
% Innerblock Colors
% Note colors

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                \node[anchor=north west, inner sep=0] (mtec) at (22.5cm,52cm) {\includegraphics[width=0.19\textwidth]{logoMTEC.pdf}};
                \draw [anchor=north west, rounded corners=25pt,line width = 20pt, color=colorOne]  (mtec.south west) ++(-20pt,17pt) -| ++(-1760pt,-3000pt);
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        \color{titlefgcolor} {\Huge \textbf{{\addfontfeatures{Scale=1}{\addfontfeatures{FakeStretch=0.9}\@title}} } \par}
        {\Large \@author \par}

\title{Mobile C-arm Deformation and its implication on Stereoscopic Localization}
\author{Maximilian Neidhardt, Omer Rajput*, Daniel Drömann and Alexander Schlaefer}

\def\thickrulefill{\leavevmode\leaders\hrule height 10pt\hfill\kern\z@}
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    \block{Medical background}{         
            Accurate localization in minimally invasive procedures is challenging, particularly in the presence of non-ideal imaging systems. Mobile C-arms present a widely guidance, e.g., during bronchoscopy. However, the localization accuracy is susceptible to non-idealities like gravitational deformation of the C-arm gantry. We present a simulation study of the effects of the deformation on the external tracking of the gantry pose and the marker based pose estimation from within the X-ray images. 
    \block{Methods and materials}{          
            \textbf{C-arm pose estimation:}  We compare two approaches for the C-arm pose estimation. First, the C-arm gantry is tracked externally using an optical camera. Second, a stationary rigid marker system of a known geometry and the corresponding X-ray images are system relative to the C-arm by the POSIT algorithm.

            \textbf{Target Localization:} After the relative transformation between two poses of the C-arm gantry is known, the target (e.g., a tool position) can be reconstructed in 3D by using the two X-ray images acquired at these two poses. For an ideal system, it is straight-forward to estimate the target in 3D space by triangulation (Fig. 1a). However in the presence of non-idealities, the selection of reference frame for triangulation becomes crucial.

            \textbf{Deformation analysis:} For our analysis, we use a C-arm model based on a clinical system (BV Endura, Philips Medical Systems - Fig. 1b). The deformation of the model due to the gravitational force is analyzed by using the finite element method (FEM).
