我想创建两个环境:一个用于练习,一个用于练习的解决方案。每个练习都应引用其相应解决方案的页面,反之亦然。问题并不完全“对称”,因为解决方案的标签应等于相应练习的标签。到目前为止一切顺利。还有一个要求:我想在页边距中打印引用(练习对解决方案的引用和解决方案对练习的引用)。正如您在下面的 MWE 中看到的,边注不是与练习/解决方案环境垂直对齐的(而是与环境主体的第一行垂直对齐)。我尝试将调用\marginnote{}
{0.5em}% space above
{0.5em}% space below
{}% body font
{}% indent amount
{\sffamily\bfseries}% head font
{}% punctuation after head
{\newline}% space after head
{\thmname{#1}\ \thmnumber{#2}\ \thmnote{#3}}% head spec
\theoremstyle{exstyle}% activate style
{0.5em}% space above
{0.5em}% space below
{}% body font
{}% indent amount
{\sffamily\bfseries}% head font
{}% punctuation after head
{\newline}% space after head
{\thmname{#1}\ \ref{#2}\ \thmnote{#3}}% head spec; obviously, the `\ref{#2}` fails...
\theoremstyle{solstyle}% activate style
\begin{exercise}[(Exercise title)]\label{ex}\marginnote{Sol.\ on p.~\pageref{sol}}
This is the exercise
\begin{solution}[(Solution title)]\label{sol}\marginnote{Ex.\ on p.~\pageref{ex}}
This is the solution
% Exercise
{0.5em}% space above
{0.5em}% space below
{}% body font
{}% indent amount
{\sffamily\bfseries}% head font
{}% punctuation after head
{\newline}% space after head
{\thmname{#1}\ \thmnumber{#2}\ \thmnote{#3}}% head spec
\theoremstyle{exstyle}% activate style
% Solution (adapted from proof environment)
\item[\hskip\labelsep\sffamily\bfseries Solution~\ref{#2}\ #1]%
\marginnote{Ex.\ on p.~\pageref{#2}}\ignorespaces%
\begin{exercise}[(Exercise title)]\label{ex1}\marginnote{Sol.\ on p.~\pageref{sol1}}
This is the exercise
\begin{solution}[(Solution title)]{ex1}\label{sol1}\\
This is the solution
\begin{exercise}[(Exercise title)]\label{ex2}\marginnote{Sol.\ on p.~\pageref{sol2}}
\item Item 1
\begin{solution}[(Solution title)]{ex2}\label{sol2}
\item Item 1
这显示了我想要实现的目标(现在有了两个“类似证明”的环境)。正如 David 指出的那样这里这通常不是我们想要的(因为我们离开了垂直模式)
% Exercise
% Note: One has to provide \\ by hand in order to get the linebreak after the
% exercise head (unless itemize/enumerate follows)
\newcounter{counter}% exercise counter
\item[\hskip\labelsep\sffamily\bfseries Exercise~\thecounter\ #1]%
\marginnote{Sol.\ on p.~\pageref{#2}}\ignorespaces
% Solution
% Note: One has to provide \\ by hand in order to get the linebreak after the
% exercise head (unless itemize/enumerate follows)
\item[\hskip\labelsep\sffamily\bfseries Solution~\ref{#2}\ #1]%
\marginnote{Ex.\ on p.~\pageref{#2}}\ignorespaces
\begin{exercise}[(Exercise title)]{sol1}\label{ex1}\\
This is the exercise
\begin{solution}[(Solution title)]{ex1}\label{sol1}\\
This is the solution
\begin{exercise}[(Exercise title)]{sol2}\label{ex2}
\item Item 1
\begin{solution}[(Solution title)]{ex2}\label{sol2}
\item Item 1
{0.5em}% space above
{0.5em}% space below
{}% body font
{}% indent amount
{\sffamily\bfseries}% head font
{}% punctuation after head
{\newline}% space after head
{\thmname{#1}\ \thmnumber{#2}\ \thmnote{#3}\label{ex:\number\value{exercise}}}% head spec
\theoremstyle{exstyle}% activate style
{0.5em}% space above
{0.5em}% space below
{}% body font
{}% indent amount
{\sffamily\bfseries}% head font
{}% punctuation after head
{\newline}% space after head
{\thmname{#1}\ \ref{ex:\number\value{exercise}}\ \thmnote{#3}\label{sol:\number\value{exercise}}}% head spec; obviously, the `\ref{#2}` fails...
\theoremstyle{solstyle}% activate style
\begin{exercise}[(Exercise title)]\label{ex}\marginnote{Sol.\ on p.~\pageref{sol}}
This is the exercise
\begin{solution}[(Solution title)]\label{sol}\marginnote{Ex.\ on p.~\pageref{ex}}
This is the solution
\begin{exercise}[(Foo question)]\marginnote{Sol.\ on p.~\pageref{sol:\number\value{exercise}}}
This is the exercise
\begin{solution}[(foo solution)]\marginnote{Ex.\ on p.~\pageref{ex:\number\value{exercise}}}
This is the solution
\newpage% Just for demo of pages etc.
Exercise (#2) \theexercise \IfValueTF{#4}{\marginnote{Sol.\ on p.~\pageref{sol:\number\value{exercise}}}}{\refstepcounter{solution}}
\string\newpage% Just for demo
Solution (Solution of #2) \string\thesolution \unexpanded{\marginnote{Exercise.\ on p.~\pageref{ex:\number\value{exercise}}}}
\DoExercise{Einstein}{$E = mc^2$}[Yes, it's true]
\DoExercise{Heisenberg}{Proof $\Delta x\Delta p \ge \hbar$}[Yes, it's true -- it's science]