


\usepackage{array} % needed for "m" in longtable
\noindent\begin{longtable}{@{} m{.30\paperwidth} m{.30\paperwidth} m{.30\paperwidth}@{}}
\textbf{Header 1} & \textbf{Header 2} & \textbf{Header 3}
1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet (c1, r1) & This is second column (c2, r1), line one\newline This is second column (c2, r1), line two & This is third column (c3, r1), line one\newline This is third column (c3, r1), line two
2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet (c1, r2) & This is second column (c2, r2), line one\newline This is second column (c2, r2), line two & This is third column (c3, r2), line one\newline This is third column (c3, r2), line two
3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet (c1, r3) & c2, r3 & c3, r3
4. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet (c1, r4) & c2, r4, line one \newline c2, r4, line two & c3, r4, line one\newline c3, r4, line two
All text in the cells should be centered vertically and left aligned horizontally.




为什么这些单元格没有按预期居中?这难道不是longtable 定义中m(来自array包)应该做的事情吗?如何确保每个单元格中的文本垂直居中,无论其中有多少行文本?




\addtolength\aboverulesep{0.15ex}  % extra spacing above and below rules

\usepackage{longtable, array} % "array" is needed for "m" in longtable



\begin{longtable}{@{} *{3}{m{.30\paperwidth}} @{}}

\textbf{Header 1} & \textbf{Header 2} & \textbf{Header 3} \\
\midrule[\heavyrulewidth] % make this rule as thick as \toprule


1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet (c1, r1) & This is second column (c2, r1), line one\newline This is second column (c2, r1), line two & This is third column (c3, r1), line one\newline This is third column (c3, r1), line two \\
2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet (c1, r2) & This is second column (c2, r2), line one\newline This is second column (c2, r2), line two & This is third column (c3, r2), line one\newline This is third column (c3, r2), line two \\
3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet (c1, r3) & c2, r3 & c3, r3 \\
4. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet (c1, r4) & c2, r4, line one \newline c2, r4, line two & c3, r4, line one\newline c3, r4, line two \\

