我第一次尝试使用 beamer(但对 LaTeX 有一些经验)。我想使用 \pause 并给一些问题编号,但数字却在我不想的时候递增。一定有一个简单的方法可以解决这个问题,但我还没有找到。以下是代码示例
\begin{frame}{Some examples and problems}
\begin{block}{Problem \pbctr}
\item How many divisors does the number 2 have?
\item How many divisors does the number 4 have?
\item What is the smallest number with six divisors?
\begin{block}{Problem \pbctr}
\item Can I distribute evenly 30 apples amongst 5 children
\item Can I distribute evenly 33 apples amongst 6 children?
简而言之:什么也不要做,让 beamer 来解决你的问题 :)
\begin{frame}{Some examples and problems}
\item How many divisors does the number 2 have?
\item How many divisors does the number 4 have?
\item What is the smallest number with six divisors?
\item Can I distribute evenly 30 apples amongst 5 children
\item Can I distribute evenly 33 apples amongst 6 children?