\cref 未引用位于单独文件中的 \chapter

\cref 未引用位于单独文件中的 \chapter

我开始使用\creffrom the package,因为它比from packagecleveref具有更好的可读性。但我遇到了命令无法识别已放入外部或等环境中的标签的问题。由于我很久以前就写了论文,并且在过去几天里一直在摆弄它的外观,当我尝试使用 引用外部章节时出现问题,它给出的错误是标签类型的参考格式,请记住图片被正确引用,位于同一章节或外部。\autorefhyperref\cref\chapter\section\crefcref' undefined

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, oneside]{report}  



For this purpose special gripper fingers have been constructed and implemented (more in `\cref{Ch:GripHandBeerBottGlass}`).


\chapter{Gripper for Handling Beer Bottles and Beer Glasses}\label{Ch:GripHandBeerBottGlass}  


For this purpose special gripper fingers have been constructed and implemented (more in ??).


%This is the Chpater 4 Chapter4.tex
\fancyhead[L]{\footnotesize \slshape \rightmark}
\chapter{Modelling of System Layout}\label{Ch:ModelSysLay}
        \subsubsection{Gripper and Gripper Fingers}\label{Sss:C4_GripnGriFing}

 For manipulating of bottles, glasses, fixtures and opening of bottles in the workcell there should be a robot gripper that can utilize gripper jaw to its full potential. As it was mentioned in the beginning, these gripper jaws should be able to pick up bottle from a crate, take a bottle for opening and in the end pouring, and manipulating fixtures if needed. For this purpose special gripper fingers have been constructed and implemented (more in \cref{Ch:GripHandBeerBottGlass}).\parl%

如图所示,我试图在第 4 章的子部分中引用第 6 章。

%This is the Chpater 6 Chapter6.tex
\fancyhead[L]{\footnotesize \slshape \rightmark}

\chapter{Gripper for Handling Beer Bottles and Beer Glasses}\label{Ch:GripHandBeerBottGlass}
