表格定位 三部分表格的注释

表格定位 三部分表格的注释


我已经完成了所有必要的代码,但在格式化过程中我需要一些帮助。该表格将包含在 Elsevier 单列手稿中。它在当前格式下看起来很奇怪。请帮忙。

为了使任务清晰,我编写了代码。表格由 * 标记组成,在表格内显示为上标,并使用表格注释进行定义。请查看代码。


\caption{Identified search terms for the above defined Research Questions.}


RQ.~\# & Identified Terms\\\ 

RQ.~1  & SOA\textsuperscript{*}, cost estimation\textsuperscript{*}, effort estimation\textsuperscript{*} \\\
RQ.~2  & approach\textsuperscript{*}, technique\textsuperscript{*}, SOA cost, SOA scope \\\
RQ.~3  & classification\textsuperscript{*}, ranking, type \\\ 
RQ.~4  & validation, evaluation, empirical study\textsuperscript{*} \\\
RQ.~5  & future work\textsuperscript{*}, improvement \\\

\item [*] Note: These search terms are having synonyms or alternate spellings or abbreviations.






在下面的代码中,你会发现表格的两个版本,一个版本适合单列,另一个版本更宽。表格不会延伸到页面的宽度。但是,如果你将它提交给 Elsevier,他们很可能会重新排版所有内容。




\lipsum[1] %dummy text
\caption{Identified search terms for the above defined Research Questions.}
\begin{tabular}{l >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{0.75\columnwidth}}
RQ.~\# & Identified Terms\\ 
RQ.~1  & SOA\textsuperscript{*}, cost estimation\textsuperscript{*}, effort estimation\textsuperscript{*} \\
RQ.~2  & approach\textsuperscript{*}, technique\textsuperscript{*}, SOA cost, SOA scope \\
RQ.~3  & classification\textsuperscript{*}, ranking, type \\ 
RQ.~4  & validation, evaluation, empirical study\textsuperscript{*} \\
RQ.~5  & future work\textsuperscript{*}, improvement \\
\item [*] Note: These search terms are having synonyms or alternate spellings or abbreviations.


\caption{Identified search terms for the above defined Research Questions.}



\begin{tabular}{l l}
RQ.~\# & Identified Terms\\ 
RQ.~1  & SOA\textsuperscript{*}, cost estimation\textsuperscript{*}, effort estimation\textsuperscript{*} \\
RQ.~2  & approach\textsuperscript{*}, technique\textsuperscript{*}, SOA cost, SOA scope \\
RQ.~3  & classification\textsuperscript{*}, ranking, type \\ 
RQ.~4  & validation, evaluation, empirical study\textsuperscript{*} \\
RQ.~5  & future work\textsuperscript{*}, improvement \\
\item [*] Note: These search terms are having synonyms or alternate spellings or abbreviations.


