寻找论文 APA 模板

寻找论文 APA 模板

我在网上搜索了几个小时,却没有找到 Latex 中 APA 论文的模板。我想知道您是否有可以分享给我的模板,或者知道在哪里可以找到。

我这里有一个Microsoft Word 中的模板可以作为比较的指南。





LyX 有一个 APA6 模板(文件 > 从模板新建 > APA6.lyx)。我将导出的 LaTeX 粘贴在此处:

%% LyX 2.2.0dev created this file.  For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.

\journal{Journal of Important Stuff}
\volume{Vol. 0 (2007), pp.\textasciitilde{}1\textendash 22}
\ccoppy{© The Author}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.



\title{Long Title of the Paper Which is Very Descriptive of the Work Being

\shorttitle{Short Title of Paper}

\author{Author Name}


\affiliation{Big Name University\\
Department of Psychology}

\note{Draft of 12/ 16/12.}

\abstract{This the abstract for my document. The purpose of this document is
to demonstrate the new apa6 class that I have been working on. There
was a layout file for the original apa document class which was authored
by Randy Gobbel. This document is based on that layout, but includes
many additions and updates. I really don't like having relevant information
in a preamble if it is not necessary. So, styles for all the necessary
commands have been included as part of the document instead.}

\keywords{apa6, layout, template, \LyX{}}

\authornote{We would like to acknowledge all of the many people who contributed
to this work.}

\section{Section Heading}

Standard text. Standard text. Standard text. Standard text. Standard
text. Standard text. Standard text. Standard text. Standard text.
Standard text. Standard text. Standard text. Standard text. Standard
text. Standard text. Standard text. Standard text. Standard text.
Standard text. Standard text. 

This is more standard text. This is more standard text. This is more
standard text. This is more standard text. This is more standard text.
This is more standard text. 

\subsection{Subsection Heading}

This is more standard text. If you use the nifty natbibapa module,
then you can select apacite as the bibliography style below. This
allows you to do awesome stuff. For example, check out this inline
citation. \citet{jame76} declared...notice that it uses ``and''
between names. Now check out this one \citep{gree00}. It uses ``\&''
between names just like it is supposed to.


