\item I want to continue this on the figure,
\item overwriting whatever is on the figure under the text.
\item The reason is that the figure has lots of blank space here
\item though the figure not rectangular;
\item part of the image will be right below this bullet point
\item I will put some more text here
\item but I am more concerned about the one on the left.
使用 \hspace*{-3cm} 时,图形优先于文本,因此它会覆盖并隐藏文本,而我想要实现相反的效果。
具体来说,您需要在文本之前打印图像,因此在您知道文本的位置之前。 \tikzmark
将位置保存在辅助文件中,以便在下次运行 LaTeX 时使用。[inner sep=0pt]
比 更宽\textwidth
水平对齐 s。
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[inner sep=0pt, xshift=-2cm, yshift=-1cm] at (pic cs:stickit)
\item I want to continue this on the figure,
\item overwriting whatever is on the figure under the text.
\item The reason is that the figure has lots of blank space here
\item though the figure not rectangular;
\item part of the image will be right below this bullet point
\item I will put some more text here
\item but I am more concerned about the one on the left.