使用 \if 修改坐标附近的节点

使用 \if 修改坐标附近的节点


if \thecitation is {This work} then
    nodes near coords={\thenumber{} [This work]} and plot color is Red
    nodes near coords={\thenumber{} \cite{\thecitation}} and plot color is Blue


y   x   Label   Cite
1   0.613   PSB Jung:2015
2   -1.700  MRB Jung:2015
3   0.998   BC700   {This work}
4   0.903   BC600   {This work}
5   0.891   BC500   {This work}
6   0.759   BC400   {This work}
7   0.030   BG450   Yao:2012
8   -0.050  BB450   Yao:2012
9   0.381   TC600   Zeng:2013
10  0.018   PC700   Zeng:2013
11  0.667   SBT Zhang:2012

        axis lines*=middle,
        yticklabels from table={RR.dat}{Label},
        yticklabel style={xshift=-4cm},
        nodes near coords={\thenumber{} \cite{\thecitation}},
        nodes near coords align={horizontal},
        visualization depends on={value 2.1cm*(-\thisrow{x}+max(0,\thisrow{x})) \as \myshift},
        every node near coord/.append style={xshift=\myshift},
        visualization depends on={value \thisrow{Cite} \as \thecitation},
        visualization depends on={value \thisrow{x} \as \thenumber},
        \addplot+[xcomb] table [x=x, y=y] {RR.dat};

结果如下: 在此处输入图片描述


y   x   Label   Cite
1   0.613   PSB Jung:2015
2   -1.700  MRB Jung:2015
3   0.998   BC700   {This work}
4   0.903   BC600   {This work}
5   0.891   BC500   {This work}
6   0.759   BC400   {This work}
7   0.030   BG450   Yao:2012
8   -0.050  BB450   Yao:2012
9   0.381   TC600   Zeng:2013
10  0.018   PC700   Zeng:2013
11  0.667   SBT Zhang:2012

    discard if/.style 2 args={
        x filter/.code={
    discard if not/.style 2 args={
        x filter/.code={

        axis lines*=middle,
        yticklabels from table={RR.dat}{Label},
        yticklabel style={xshift=-4cm},
        nodes near coords={\ifthenelse{\equal{\thecitation}{This work}}{\pgfmathparse{\thenumber*100}\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}\% [This work]}{\pgfmathparse{\thenumber*100}\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}\% \cite{\thecitation}}},
        nodes near coords align={horizontal},
        visualization depends on={value \thisrow{Cite} \as \thecitation},
        visualization depends on={value \thisrow{x} \as \thenumber},
        visualization depends on={value 2.2cm*(-\thisrow{x}+max(0,\thisrow{x})) \as \myshift},
        every node near coord/.append style={xshift=\myshift},
        \addplot+[xcomb,discard if={Cite}{This work}] table [x=x, y=y] {RR.dat};
        \addplot+[xcomb,discard if not={Cite}{This work}] table [x=x, y=y] {RR.dat};



提示:如果从第一个图中删除discard if样式,标签可以正确显示。但是,红色条目会覆盖之前的蓝色条目,这可能会导致打印效果不佳,因此效果不是最佳。


\documentclass[tikz, border=2mm]{standalone}


y   x   Label   Cite
1   0.613   PSB Jung:2015
2   -1.700  MRB Jung:2015
3   0.998   BC700   {This work}
4   0.903   BC600   {This work}
5   0.891   BC500   {This work}
6   0.759   BC400   {This work}
7   0.030   BG450   Yao:2012
8   -0.050  BB450   Yao:2012
9   0.381   TC600   Zeng:2013
10  0.018   PC700   Zeng:2013
11  0.667   SBT Zhang:2012


{   discard if/.style 2 args=%
    {   x filter/.code=%
        {   \edef\tempa{\thisrow{#1}}
  discard if not/.style 2 args=%
  { x filter/.code=%
    {   \edef\tempa{\thisrow{#1}}

  [ axis lines*=middle,
    yticklabels from table={RR.dat}{Label},
    yticklabel style={xshift=-4cm},
    nodes near coords={\ifthenelse{\equal{\thecitation}{This work}} % if
                                        {\thenumber{} [This work]}                                      % then
                                    {\thenumber{} \cite{\thecitation}}},                    % else
    nodes near coords align={horizontal},
    every node near coord/.append style={xshift=\myshift},
    visualization depends on={value \thisrow{Cite} \as \thecitation},
    visualization depends on={value \thisrow{x} \as \thenumber},
    visualization depends on={value 2.2cm*(-\thisrow{x}+max(0,\thisrow{x})) \as \myshift},
    \addplot+[xcomb, discard if={Cite}{This work}] table [x=x, y=y] {RR.dat};
    \addplot+[xcomb, discard if not={Cite}{This work}] table [x=x, y=y] {RR.dat};


