Fancyheader cfoot 与主要内容重叠

Fancyheader cfoot 与主要内容重叠

更新的问题。这是一个 MWE - 我终于可以制作一个了。





    Address line 1     Address line 1 & Telephone 1     Telephone 1  & Web 1 Web 1 Web 1 Web 1 \\
    Address line 2 & Fax line    &    skype text\\
    Address line 3    &    Mobile line    &    Web 2






Here is some more text that will position the last rows of the table near the footer: Nulla euismod, dolor vitae faucibus tincidunt, ante sem commodo massa, vitae maximus ante nisi eget magna. 

\item Item 1
\item Item 2

\begin{longtabu} to \linewidth {@{}X[p,l]ccrlrrc@{}} %
                              \multicolumn{6}{p{12cm}}{First row in the table} \\
                            & \small 1.0 &  egy.  99\,999 & 99\,999 HUF &                \\
                        \multicolumn{6}{p{12cm}}{Second row in the table} \\
                        & 1.0 &   alk.  &                 5\,000 & 9\,999 HUF & \\







问题似乎与 有关,因为当表格底部接近页面末尾时,longtabu页脚会与 重叠。以下是重叠的示例:longtabu



默认情况下,页眉和页脚不包含在文本主体中。但您可以使用包的includefootincludehead键来包含它们geometry。在这种情况下,您还必须调整footskip。我们制作footskip= 25pt,否则会发出警告。解决方案是


showframe仅用于演示,应在实际文档中删除。如果您有页眉,请尝试添加includehead并调整页眉高度(and possiblyheadsep')。注意警告,因为任何不正确的设置都会收到通知。





    Address line 1     Address line 1 & Telephone 1     Telephone 1  & Web 1 Web 1 Web 1 Web 1 \\
    Address line 2 & Fax line    &    skype text\\
    Address line 3    &    Mobile line    &    Web 2






Here is some more text that will position the last rows of the table near the footer: Nulla euismod, dolor vitae faucibus tincidunt, ante sem commodo massa, vitae maximus ante nisi eget magna.

\item Item 1
\item Item 2

\begin{longtabu} to \linewidth {@{}X[p,l]ccrlrrc@{}} %
                              \multicolumn{6}{p{12cm}}{First row in the table} \\
                            & \small 1.0 &  egy.  99\,999 & 99\,999 HUF &                \\
                        \multicolumn{6}{p{12cm}}{Second row in the table} \\
                        & 1.0 &   alk.  &                 5\,000 & 9\,999 HUF & \\





