
\documentclass{report}[12pt, oneside, a4paper]
\usepackage{geometry} \geometry{verbose, tmargin=2.5cm, rmargin=2.5cm, bmargin=2.5cm, lmargin=3.5cm, headsep=0cm}
\usepackage{array,booktabs}% http://ctan.org/pkg/{array,booktabs}

\chapter{Materials and Methods}

\begin{longtable}{>{\centering\bfseries}m{3cm} >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{3.5in} >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{1in}}
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5}% Spread rows out...
\caption[M-IV Competence Media Component Solutions]{M-IV Competence Media Component Solutions \label{M-IV}} \\
Solution Name & \textbf{Component}  &       \\
\caption[]{-- Continued from overleaf}\\
Solution Name & \textbf{Composition} &      \\
Solution 21 &    L-Aspartic acid    & 4 g                               \\
            &    L-Glutamic acid    &       0.2 g                   \\
            &    Furmaric acid      &           1.0 g               \\
                &   NaCl                &           4.7 g               \\
            &    K\textsubscript{2}HPO\textsubscript{4} &   0.87 g\\
                &    KH\textsubscript{2}PO\textsubscript{4} &   0.67 g\\
    &    Tween-80 & 0.2 ml\\
    &    Distilled water                            & 850 ml \\
\parbox[\textwidth]{20cm}{\hspace*{2cm} \textnormal{Adjust pH to 7.4 using 4 N NaOH, and then make to 1 L using Distilled water}} \\
                & Sterilise by autoclaving  &               \\
  Solution 22   &    L-Cystine*     &           0.04 g              \\
            &    L-Tyrosine*        &       0.1 g                   \\
        &    L-Citruline        &       0.06 g  \\
                                &    L-Phenylalanine    &       0.2 g   \\
    &    L-Serine           &           0.3 g \\
                        &    L-Alanine          &           0.2 g               \\
        &   Sterilise by filtration     &                       \\
Solution 23     &    CaCl\textsubscript{2}  &               0.1 M       \\
&   Sterilise by autoclaving    &                       \\
&                   &                       \\
Solution 24     &    MgSO\textsubscript{4}  &               0.1 M       \\
        &   Sterilise by autoclave      &                       \\
&                   &                       \\
Solution 40     &    vitamin-free casamino acids &          5\% (w/v)   \\
&   Make to 100 ml with Distilled water     &           \\
&   Sterilise by autoclave                  &           \\

基本上,我尝试插入“使用 4 N NaOH 将 pH 值调整为 7.4,然后使用蒸馏水调整为 1 L”作为文本,该文本横跨表格的所有三行,但是,下面的一行非常接近文本的底部,我想知道如何正确设置它的间距/是否有其他方法可以插入文本。我是 LaTeX 的新手,所以我仍在努力掌握一切。提前致谢!



\documentclass{report}[12pt, oneside, a4paper]
          tmargin=2.5cm, rmargin=2.5cm, bmargin=2.5cm, lmargin=3.5cm, headsep=0cm}


\chapter{Materials and Methods}

%\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5}% Spread rows out...
%\caption{M-IV Competence Media Component Solutions}             \\
%     \label{M-IV}
\thead{Solution Name}
            & \thead{Composition}       &  ?                    \\
    \caption[]{-- Continued from overleaf}                      \\
\thead{Solution Name} 
            & \thead{Composition}       &  ?                    \\
Solution 21 & L-Aspartic acid           & 4 g                   \\
            & L-Glutamic acid           & 0.2 g                 \\
            & Furmaric acid             & 1.0 g                 \\
            & NaCl                      & 4.7 g                 \\
            & K\textsubscript{2}HPO\textsubscript{4} 
                                        & 0.87 g                \\
            & KH\textsubscript{2}PO\textsubscript{4} 
                                        & 0.67 g                \\
            & Tween-80                  & 0.2 ml                \\
            & Distilled water           & 850 ml                \\
    Adjust pH to 7.4 using 4 N NaOH,%\\
    and then make to 1 L using Distilled water}                \\
            & Sterilise by autoclaving  &                       \\
Solution 22 & L-Cystine*                & 0.04 g                \\
            & L-Tyrosine*               & 0.1 g                 \\
            & L-Citruline               & 0.06 g                \\
            & L-Phenylalanine           & 0.2 g                 \\
            & L-Serine                  & 0.3 g                 \\
            & L-Alanine                 & 0.2 g                 \\
            & Sterilise by filtration   &                       \\
Solution 23 & CaCl\textsubscript{2}     & 0.1 M                 \\
            & Sterilise by autoclaving  &                       \\
Solution 24 & MgSO\textsubscript{4}     & 0.1 M                 \\
            & Sterilise by autoclave    &                       \\
Solution 40 & vitamin-free casamino acids 
                                        & 5\,\% (w/v)           \\
            & Make to 100 ml with Distilled water     
                                        &                       \\
            & Sterilise by autoclave    &                       \\         

如您所见,我省略了序言中与此表无关的所有包,但是我添加了两个新包:makecell我从中使用宏thead使列标题更美观,并准备使用makecell,这可以将长句放在两行表格中间(如果您愿意的话)。使用S提供的列类型,sinuntx 我重新格式化了最后一列的外观。我还将前两列的列类型更改为l。这样,测试可能会使表格看起来更好。



