为整个文档设置 1.5 倍行距。但是,如下面的屏幕截图所示,两个段落的行距不同。这是因为那里的矩阵吗?还是有其他原因。仅供参考,这是我唯一看到如此丑陋的行距变化的地方。请问有办法修复它吗?例如,无论发生什么情况,我如何才能强制执行行距。谢谢!
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\noindent As that graph shows, the asymptotic variance decreases more rapidly when $\xi_0$ is positive so that almost every other $ \widehat \sigma_{MOP, \alpha}$ except those whose $\alpha$ is close to $\alpha_{op}$ has larger variance. Consequently, including all possible $\alpha$'s in fact inflates the variance. {\em These observations suggest that superficially using all data points is not necessarily the best way to utilise all the information contained in a sample. It might well be possible that using data in the wrong way can actually make things worse.}
\caption{$ \widehat \sigma_{MOP, \alpha_{op}}$ versus $ \widehat \sigma_{MOP, \alpha s}$ with $\sigma=1$ and $N=1000$.}
\label{table: MOPextension}
$\xi_0$ & $\widehat \sigma_{MOP, \alpha_{op}}$ & $\widehat \sigma_{MOP, \alpha s}$ & $\widehat \sigma_{MOP, \alpha_1, \alpha_2, \alpha_3}$ \\ \midrule
-0.4 & (0.9015, 1.0985) & (0.9158, 1.0845) & (0.9045, 1.0955) \\
-0.3 & (0.9064, 1.0936) & (0.9195, 1.0804) & (0.9092, 1.0908) \\
-0.2 & (0.9116, 1.0884) & (0.9226, 1.0757) & (0.9145, 1.0855) \\
-0.1 & (0.9171, 1.0829) & (0.9254, 1.0728) & (0.9202, 1.0798) \\
0.1 & (0.9294, 1.0706) & (0.9316, 1.0659) & (0.9332, 1.0668) \\
0.2 & (0.9365, 1.0635) & (0.9346, 1.0628) & (0.9412, 1.0588) \\
0.3 & (0.9445, 1.0555) & (0.9376, 1.0601) & (0.9481, 1.0519) \\
0.4 & (0.9541, 1.0459) & (0.9401, 1.0584) & (0.9575, 1.0425) \\ \bottomrule
\noindent The previous discussion prompts our suggestion of only picking a few, say, three, equally spaced percentiles which are approximately centred at the $\alpha_{op}$ as listed in Table~\ref{table: 3alphas}. We can consider this an adaptive method in which we pick different $\alpha$-triples depending on the value of $\xi_0$. To see how this works, first note that for given $\alpha_1, \alpha_2$ and $\alpha_3$, the corresponding sample percentiles $\left( x_{\alpha_1N :N}, x_{\alpha_2N :N}, x_{\alpha_3N :N} \right)^T$ asymptotically follow a three-dimensional normal distribution with mean vector $\left( x_{\alpha_1}, x_{\alpha_2}, x_{\alpha_3} \right)^T$ and variance-covariance matrix $\bm\Sigma_{\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \alpha_3}$ equal to
\alpha_1(1-\alpha_1)^{2\xi_0-1} & \alpha_1(1-\alpha_1)^{\xi_0-1}(1-\alpha_2)^{\xi_0} & \alpha_1(1-\alpha_1)^{\xi_0-1}(1-\alpha_3)^{\xi_0} \\[5pt]
\alpha_1(1-\alpha_1)^{\xi_0-1}(1-\alpha_2)^{\xi_0} & \alpha_2(1-\alpha_2)^{2\xi_0-1} & \alpha_2(1-\alpha_2)^{\xi_0-1}(1-\alpha_3)^{\xi_0} \\[5pt]
\alpha_1(1-\alpha_1)^{\xi_0-1}(1-\alpha_3)^{\xi_0} & \alpha_2(1-\alpha_2)^{\xi_0-1}(1-\alpha_3)^{\xi_0} & \alpha_3(1-\alpha_3)^{2\xi_0-1}
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是不言而喻的。 \nobreak