我正在尝试对一组命名的正六边形进行随机游走。我有一个使用 Ti 创建正六边形集合的例程钾Z shapes.geometric
是行值。行包含元素 0 到 20,行编号为 0-30。这部分代码运行良好(参见https://i.stack.imgur.com/Vk833.jpg)。
我试图通过递归来实现这一点,但 breakforeach 似乎无法跳出并中断我的循环。代码如下。
\foreach \i in {1} {
\node[waterTile,anchor=corner 1]() at (#1-C#2.corner 1) {}; %make the hex x-Cy a water tile
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\nextRiverTileX}{\nextRiverTileX+random(0,2)-1} %randomly move in the x direction
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\nextRiverTileY}{\nextRiverTileY+random(0,1)} %randomly move in the y direction
%if we moved off the map, break the loop
\ifnum \nextRiverTileX>20 \breakforeach \fi
\ifnum \nextRiverTileX<0 \breakforeach \fi
\ifnum \nextRiverTileY>30 \breakforeach \fi
\ifnum \nextRiverTileY<0 \breakforeach \fi
%if we didn't move off the map, repeat the process
%once the loop breaks, break the prior loop
} %makeRiver
有没有更好的方法来处理这个问题?如前所述,地图创建过程本身运行良好。现在,程序着色给我带来了问题。如果我指定要着色的某些六边形,那就行得通。如果我指定要为六边形着色的行数,那就行得通。但我似乎无法让它重复,直到我们退出地图(即使用基于宏的 breakforeach)。
已解决问题;breakforeach 需要位于嵌套的 if 块中,以防止再次调用该函数。修复的代码如下:
\newcommand{\makeRiver}[2] { %{x}{y}
\foreach \i in {1} {
\node[waterTile,anchor=corner 1]() at (#1-C#2.corner 1) {}; %make the hex x-Cy a water tile
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\nextRiverTileX}{\nextRiverTileX+random(0,2)-1} %randomly move in the x direction
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\nextRiverTileY}{\nextRiverTileY+random(0,1)} %randomly move in the y direction
%if we moved off the map, break the loop
\ifnum \nextRiverTileX>20 \breakforeach
\else \ifnum \nextRiverTileX<0 \breakforeach
\else \ifnum \nextRiverTileY>30 \breakforeach
\else \ifnum \nextRiverTileY<0 \breakforeach
\else \makeRiver{\nextRiverTileX}{\nextRiverTileY} %if we didn't move off the map, repeat the process
%once the loop breaks, break the prior loop
} %makeRiver