\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{article}
\usepackage{caption} % Use table caption
\usepackage{chemfig} % Use chemical strutures
\DeclareCaptionType[fileext=ext, name=Scheme, placement=tbph!]{scheme}
\captionsetup[scheme]{labelsep=period, font={small, bf}, skip=8pt}
This is a chemical reaction:
\chemfig{*6(-=-=-=)} \+ \chemfig{H_2} \arrow \chemfig{*6(-(-H)=-=(-H)-=)}
\label{sh1} % define a new label type for scheme float
\caption{Reaction of Benzene Synthesis}
A relatively simple, as shown in Scheme~\ref{sh1}, is neutralized by the solution contained within it to form a charged double layer, which under the influence of an applied electric field leads to the electroosmotic mobilization of the solution.
后 \caption
\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{article}
\usepackage{caption} % Use table caption
\usepackage{chemfig} % Use chemical strutures
\DeclareCaptionType[fileext=ext, name=Scheme, placement=tbph!]{scheme}
\captionsetup[scheme]{labelsep=period, font={small, bf}, skip=8pt}
This is a chemical reaction:
% \renewcommand*{\figurename}{scheme}
\chemfig{*6(-=-=-=)} \+ \chemfig{H_2} \arrow \chemfig{*6(-(-H)=-=(-H)-=)}
\caption{Reaction of Benzene Synthesis}
\label{sh1} % define a new label type for scheme float
A relatively simple, as shown in Scheme~\ref{sh1}, is neutralized by the
solution contained within it to form a charged double layer, which under the
influence of an applied electric field leads to the electroosmotic
mobilization of the solution.