





我认为实现此目的的方法是以某种方式处理第一个!参数中第一个感叹号 ( ) 之前和之后的文本,然后以某种方式将其合并到宏定义中,而不改变参数数量。但我不知道该怎么做。



\def \ati#1#2{#2\index{#1}} % "Add to index" macro

There are many ways to write a document. You could use a \ati{Markup!LaTeX@\LaTeX}{\LaTeX}, \ati{Markup!Markdown}{Markdown} or even \ati{Markup!HTML}{HTML}. If you do write your document by hand, do not use \ati{Markup!XML}{XML}, because you are going to go mad.


\ati{Markup!LaTeX@\LaTeX}{\LaTeX} is obviously the best to produce high-quality PDF file, but you do not have to type it by hand. You can use \ati{Markup!Markdown}{Markdown} instead and then convert it to both \ati{Markup!HTML}{HTML} and \ati{Markup!LaTeX@\LaTeX}{\LaTeX}, as well as many other formats.

Now comes interesting stuff. When you write a technical book in \ati{Markup!LaTeX@\LaTeX}{\LaTeX}, you can quite easily create an \sindex{Index creation}index. When you do, you have quite a few choices when it comes to packages you use and \ati{Index processor}{index processors} that will sort your .idx file into .ind file that gets included in your document at the time of next compilation.


One of those index processors is \ati{Index processor!MakeIndex}{MakeIndex}, but there are also few other alternatives. I personally prefer to use \ati{Index processor!xindy}{xindy} through command line program called texindy.


Now, I want to make each top-level entry like ``Index processor'' and ``Markup'' bold, only for those entries which do have sub-entries (this is what \\ati macro is for). It would be awesome if I could use same macro even for entries which do not have subentries and still get bold top-level entries only for those entries with subentries, but it is not must-have.

So what I want to produce looks like this:



\index{Entry@\textbf{Entry}!another entry}{another entry}

\index{Entry@\textbf{Entry}!another entry}{another entry}

\index{Entry@\textbf{Entry}!yet another entry}{yet another entry}

but I want to achieve it inside ``ati'' macro.



