程序包 tracklang 错误:方言‘iso’未预定义

程序包 tracklang 错误:方言‘iso’未预定义

我添加了该包,datetime2以便我可以按照 ISO 标准写出今天的时间。


我收到一个错误,说 iso 未预定义。

Package tracklang Error: Dialect `iso' is not predefined.

See the tracklang package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.159 \disable@keys








% Front matter


\begin{tabular}{p{0.75\textwidth} p{0.25\textwidth}}




\par\vspace {7.5cm}

{\Huge\textbf{Analyze network trafic}}                                      %Titel

\par\vspace {0.5cm}

{\Large\textbf{Network data trafic analyze for different chat clients}}                             %Subtitel

\par\vspace {0.5cm}

{\Large\today}                                              %Date

\par\vspace {3cm}

{\Large\textbf{Olof Haglund}}                                       %NAMN





[This summarizes the outcome of the result of the lab and the conclusions you have drawn. The summary should be   short and easy to read.]      %Abstract




[Explain clearly what are you doing in this lab and make sure do not discus the result here.] \\

\chapter{Work Description }
[This lab I measured/analyzed/... 
 It should contain description of the method, equipment, software, rel. ++.
Syftet med undersökningen är att få svar på ett antal olika frågor] \\

[Presented result from Lab which will contain graph, figure,….] \\
% for adding figure used this command and change the figure name
%figure should be in the same folder as your tex file
\caption{sample figure}

\chapter{Analysis and Discussion}
[In this chapter present the outcome and analysis the result based on observation. You can explain your outcome in this chapter as well.] \\

[Conclude observation and outcome from this lab. It is summary of work you done.] \\




BTH 文献类

% Template - BTH degree project: Master of Science in computer science | software engineering [for engineers]
% Version 1.0 (2013-12-25)
% Authors of earlier versions of parts of this file: Hannes Tribus, Martin Stokhof, Marco Vervoort, Maarten de Rijke
\ProvidesClass{bth}[2013/12/25 BTH Master Thesis Style]
\DeclareOption{openbib}{%  To provide backwards compatibility with versions
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%       To provide backwards compatibility with versions of the book class that 
%       do not define \@openbib@code, \newblock, \paperwidth or \paperheight:
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%   New values for some lengths, proportional to fontsize
\setmlength{\textheight}{\@mult}{0.613\paperheight}%18.2cm for a4paper
\setmlength{\textwidth}{\@mult}{0.576\paperwidth}%12.1cm for a4paper

%   Chapterheads: chapternr, horizontal line, chaptertitle
%       Vertical spaces are proportional to fontsize
%       Note that, as opposed to in book.cls, here the definition
%       of \@makechapterhead does _not_ end with a \nobreak command
%       but with a \mbox{}, since we'd rather not have the chapter
%       head move to the next page even if that would result in 
%       the chapter head being the _only_ thing on the page. 

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%   \mbox{}\par
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   {\hfill \LARGE \bfseries #1}%
%   \mbox{}\par
%   \mbox{}\par
%   \mbox{}\par
% Note: the above works better when there is little text on the first
% page of the chapter
%   \vspace*{\@spaceafterchapterhead}\vspace{\stretch{0.01}}\par\mbox{}\par
%   No pagenumber or headers on skipped pages with cleardoublepage
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%   Theorems: {\bf number.} {\sc type.} {\rm description} \it contents
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  \item[\hspace{\labelsep}{\upshape\bfseries #2.}\ {\scshape #1\ ({#3}).}]%
%   Chapters, sections and other environments are redefined here to no 
%       longer cause uppercased headings. Headings are italized instead of 
%       slanted. The bibliography and index appear in the table of contents.
         \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
            \if@mainmatter \@chapapp\ \thechapter. \ \fi
         \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\z@ \thesection. \ \fi
         \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
            \if@mainmatter \@chapapp\ \thechapter. \ \fi

        \@mkboth{\contentsname}{\contentsname}}%    Headings not uppercased

      \@mkboth{\listfigurename}{\listfigurename}}%  Headings not uppercased

      \@mkboth{\listtablename}{\listtablename}}%    Headings not uppercased

      \@mkboth{References}{References}}%            Headings not uppercased
   \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{References}%    Add to table-of-contents
      \@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}%

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   \@mkboth{\indexname}{\indexname}%           Headings not uppercased
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   \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax
%   Define new end-matter environments
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   \columnseprule \z@
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              \@makeschapterhead{List of symbols}]%
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   \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Symbols}% Add to table-of-contents
   \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax






   \chapter*{Curriculum Vitae and Publications}
   \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Curriculum Vitae and Publications}
  \markboth{Curriculum Vitae}{Curriculum Vitae and Publications}


% Environment to temporarly change the pagewidth


% Description environment where the item described is typeset in
% italics.


% Description environment with the description on the next line.


% Useful description list that indents based on the length of a
% parameter, presumably the longest label.


% Same without itemseparation


%   Italized theorem-like environments
%   Non-italized theorem-like environments:
%   Symbols for AmsTex and bth











