如何在 Latex 中使用 TikZ 绘制以下图表

如何在 Latex 中使用 TikZ 绘制以下图表



rpapa 向我展示了如何开始通过发布代码来绘制 3 个大框,顶部有圆圈,左侧有标签,中间有箭头。这很有帮助。





\begin{scope}[every node/.style={circle, draw, minimum size=2em}]  
 \node[circle, draw] [blue](#2-c1){};
 \node[below left=1em of #2-c1][blue](#2-c2){};%to draw a circle inside a box
  \node[below left=1em of #2-c2][blue](#2-c3){};
   \node[below left=1em of #2-c3][blue](#2-c4){};
    \node[above left=1em and 0em of #2-c1][blue](#2-tt){#2};%to label the box by names Thalamus,Sensory Cortex
\node[draw,fit=(#2-c1) (#2-c2) (#2-c3) (#2-c4) (#2-tt)][red](#2){};%to draw a boxes


\begin{scope}[every node/.style={circle, draw, minimum size=2em}]  
 \node[circle, draw] [red](#2-c1){};
 \node[below left=1em of #2-c1][red](#2-c2){};
  \node[below left=1em of #2-c2][red](#2-c3){};
   \node[below left=1em of #2-c3][red](#2-c4){};
   \node[below right=2em and 1em of #2-c1][blue](#2-sum){\large $\Sigma$};
    \node[above left=1em and 0em of #2-c1][red](#2-tt){#2};%to label a box by name Orbitofrontal
\node[draw,fit=(#2-c1) (#2-c2) (#2-c3) (#2-c4) (#2-tt) (#2-sum)][blue](#2){};%to draw a box
\draw[->,red,thick] (#2-c1)-|(#2-sum);%to draw connection lines to sum
\draw[->,red,thick] (#2-c2)--++(2em,0) --(#2-sum);
\draw[->,red,thick] (#2-c3)--++(2em,0) --(#2-sum);
\draw[->,red,thick] (#2-c4)-|(#2-sum);

\begin{scope}[every node/.style={circle, draw, minimum size=2em}]  
 \node[circle, draw][cyan] (#2-c1){};
 \node[below left=1em of #2-c1][cyan](#2-c2){};%to draw circles
  \node[below left=1em of #2-c2][cyan](#2-c3){};
   \node[below left=1em of #2-c3][cyan](#2-c4){};
   \node[below left=1 em of #2-c4](#2-c5){};
   \node[below right=2em and 1em of #2-c1][red](#2-sum){\large $\Sigma$};%to draw Sum
  % \node[below right=2em and 0 em of#2-sum](#2-sums){\large$\Sigma$};
    \node[above left=1em and 0em of #2-c1][cyan](#2-tt){#2}; %to label the  box name Amagydala
\node[draw,fit=(#2-c1) (#2-c2) (#2-c3) (#2-c4) (#2-c5) (#2-tt) (#2-sum)][cyan](#2){}; %to draw the box
\draw[->,cyan,thick] (#2-c1)-|(#2-sum);%to draw connection lines to Sum
\draw[->,cyan,thick] (#2-c2)--++(2em,0) --(#2-sum);
\draw[->,cyan,thick] (#2-c3)--++(2em,0) --(#2-sum);
\draw[->,cyan,thick] (#2-c4)-|(#2-sum);

 \bloc{(0,0)}{Thalamus} %the position of box 1

  \bloc{(4cm,0)}{Sensory Cortex} %the position of box 2

    \blocwithSum{(9cm,0)}{Orbitofrontal Cortex}  %the position of box 3

\blocwithz{(4cm,-7cm)}{Amygdala} % the position of box 4

 \foreach \ii in{1,2,3,4} {
 \node[draw][red](E\ii) at (Thalamus-c\ii-|-5,0){$S_{\ii}$};%to draw the inputs stimulus and their position
  \draw[->,thick][blue]  (E\ii)-- (Thalamus-c\ii);
  \draw[->,thick] [red](Thalamus-c\ii) -- (Sensory Cortex-c\ii);
    \draw[->,thick] [blue] (Sensory Cortex-c\ii) --  (Orbitofrontal Cortex-c\ii);  
     \draw[->,thick] [red] (Sensory Cortex-c\ii) --  (Amygdala-c\ii);  
     %\draw[->,thick] [red] (g) --  (Amygdala-c\ii);   


 \caption{ Routes of limbic system}

以下是我所得到的rpapa 的回答






        node distance=.2cm,
        whiteCircle/.style={circle,draw,very thick,
                      inner sep=0pt,minimum size=6mm},
        greyCircle/.style={circle,draw,fill=gray,very thick,
                      inner sep=0pt,minimum size=2mm},
        greyRectangle/.style={rectangle,draw,fill=gray, very thick,
                      inner sep=0pt,minimum width=2mm, minimum height=7mm},
        solidLine/.style={->,very thick,>=latex},
        dashLine/.style={->,dashed,very thick,>=latex},
        rect/.style={rectangle,draw,inner sep=0.0pt,minimum height=2mm}
    \node [whiteCircle] (A1)                    {A1};
    \node [whiteCircle] (B1) [below left=of A1] {B1};
    \node [whiteCircle] (C1) [below left=of B1] {C1};
    \node [whiteCircle] (D1) [below left=of C1] {D1};

    \node [draw, thick, inner sep=0.4cm, fit={(A1) (B1) (C1) (D1)}] (ThalamusBox) {};
    \node[below left, xshift=3mm] at (ThalamusBox.north) {\textbf{Thalamus}};
    \node[rect,node distance=5cm] (K1) [left=of A1] {$\bm{K_{p_{t-4}}}$};
    \node[rect]                   (K2) [below=of K1] {$\bm{K_{p_{t-3}}}$};
    \node[rect]                   (K3) [below=of K2] {$\bm{K_{p_{t-2}}}$};
    \node[rect]                   (K4) [below=of K3] {$\bm{K_{p_{t-1}}}$};

    \node [whiteCircle, node distance=3cm] (A2) [right=of A1]      {A2};
    \node [whiteCircle]                    (B2) [below left=of A2] {B2};
    \node [whiteCircle]                    (C2) [below left=of B2] {C2};
    \node [whiteCircle]                    (D2) [below left=of C2] {D2};

    \node [draw, thick, inner sep=0.4cm, fit={(A2) (B2) (C2) (D2)}]  (SensoryBox) {};
    \node[below, xshift=-2mm] at (SensoryBox.north) {\textbf{Sensory Cortex}};
    \node [whiteCircle, node distance=6.5cm] (A3) [right=of A2]      {A3};
    \node [whiteCircle]                      (B3) [below left=of A3] {B3};
    \node [whiteCircle]                      (C3) [below left=of B3] {C3};
    \node [whiteCircle]                      (D3) [below left=of C3] {D3};

    \node [whiteCircle,node distance=1.9cm]  (S3) [right of= C3] {$\bm{\sum}$};
    \node [draw, thick, inner sep=0.4cm, fit={(A3) (B3) (C3) (D3) (S3)}]  (OrbitoBox) {};
    \node[below, xshift=0mm] at (OrbitoBox.north) {\textbf{Orbitofrontal Cortex}};
    \node [greyCircle, node distance=3cm]     (a4) [below=of S3]   {a4};
    \node [greyRectangle,node distance=2.0cm] (b4) [left=of a4]    {b4};
    \node [greyCircle,node distance=3.2cm]    (c4) [left=of b4]    {c4};

    \node [whiteCircle,node distance=1.9cm]   (S41) [below of= a4] {$\bm{\sum}$};
    \node [greyCircle,node distance=0.9cm]    (d4)  [left=of S41]  {d4};
    \node [rect,node distance=1cm,inner sep=1.0pt,] (Kp) [right=of S41] {$\bm{\hat{K}_{p_{t}}}$};

    \node[greyRectangle] (e4)  at (c4 |- d4)   {e4};

    \node[rect] (K5) at (K4 |- c4) {$\bm{K_{p_{t}}}$};

    \node[whiteCircle,node distance=1.7cm] (A4) [below=of e4] at (barycentric cs:d4=0.1,e4=0.1)  {A4};
    \node [whiteCircle]                  (B4) [below left=of A4] {B4};
    \node [whiteCircle]                  (C4) [below left=of B4] {C4};
    \node [whiteCircle]                  (D4) [below left=of C4] {D4};
    \node [whiteCircle]                  (E4) [below left=of D4] {E4};

    \node [greyCircle,node distance=3.6cm]   (f4) [below=of d4]    {f4};
    \node [whiteCircle,node distance=1.5cm]  (S42) [left of= f4]   {$\bm{\sum}$};
    \node [whiteCircle,node distance=1.cm]   (S43) [above of= S42] {$\bm{\sum}$};

    \node [draw, thick, inner sep=0.4cm, fit={(a4)(b4)(c4)(d4)(E4)(S41)}]  (AmyBox) {};
    \node[above, xshift=2.8cm] at (AmyBox.south) {\textbf{Amygdata}};

    \draw[solidLine] (A1) -- (A2);
    \draw[solidLine] (B1) -- (B2);
    \draw[solidLine] (C1) -- (C2);
    \draw[solidLine] (D1) -- (D2);

    \draw[solidLine] (A2) -- node (w4) [above, midway,xshift=-6mm] {$\textbf{w}_{4}$} (A3);
    \draw[solidLine] (B2) --  (B3);
    \draw[solidLine] (C2) --  (C3);
    \draw[solidLine] (D2) --  (D3); 
    \node[node distance=.15cm] (w3) [below=of w4] {$\textbf{w}_{3}$};
    \node[node distance=.15cm] (w2) [below=of w3] {$\textbf{w}_{2}$};
    \node[node distance=.15cm] (w1) [below=of w2] {$\textbf{w}_{1}$};

    \draw[solidLine] (A3.east) -| (S3);
    \draw[solidLine] (B3.east) --++(1em,0) --(S3);
    \draw[solidLine] (C3.east)  --(S3);
    \draw[solidLine] (D3.east) --++(4em,0) --(S3);

    \draw[solidLine] (S3) -- node[anchor=north west,yshift=-4mm] {$\bm{E_{o}}$} (a4);
    \draw[solidLine] (a4) -- node[anchor=north east,yshift=-3mm] {\textbf{-}}(S41);
    \draw[dashLine] (a4) -- (b4);
    \draw[dashLine] (c4) -- (b4);
    \draw[dashLine] (b4) -- (w4.north east);
    \draw[dashLine] (c4) -- (e4);
    \draw[dashLine] (d4) -- (e4);
    \draw[solidLine] (d4) -- (S41);  

    \draw[solidLine] (A2) |- node[midway,above,xshift=3mm] (v4) {$\textbf{v}_{4}$} (A4);
    \draw[solidLine] (B2) |- node[midway,above,xshift=3mm] (v3) {$\textbf{v}_{3}$}(B4);
    \draw[solidLine] (C2) |- node[midway,above,xshift=3mm] (v2) {$\textbf{v}_{2}$}(C4);
    \draw[solidLine] (D2) |- node[midway,above,xshift=3mm] (v1) {$\textbf{v}_{1}$} (D4); 
    \draw[solidLine] (ThalamusBox) |- node[midway,above,xshift=25mm] (v1) {$\textbf{v}_{\psi}$} (E4);

    \draw[solidLine] (A4) -| (S43);
    \draw[solidLine] (S43) -- (S42);
    \draw[solidLine] (S43.east) -| node[anchor=south west,yshift=2mm] {$\bm{E'_{a}}$} (b4);
     \draw[solidLine] (B4.east) --++(1em,0) --(S43);
     \draw[solidLine] (C4.east) --++(9mm,0) --(S43);
     \draw[solidLine] (D4.east) --++(15mm,0) --(S43);
     \draw[solidLine] (E4.east) --++(21mm,0) --(S42.south west);

     \draw[solidLine,-] (f4) -- node[midway,above] {$\bm{E_{a}}$} (S42);

     \draw[solidLine] (S41) -- (Kp);
     \draw[solidLine] (K1) -- (A1);
     \draw[solidLine] (K2) -- (B1);
     \draw[solidLine] (K3) -- (C1);
     \draw[solidLine] (K4) -- (D1);

      \draw[dashLine] (K5) -- (c4);




\node[draw,fit=(#2-c1) (#2-c2) (#2-c3) (#2-c4) (#2-tt), red](#2){};


\bloc{(0,0)}{Thalamus} %the position of box 1


 \draw [->, thick] (Thalamus) |- (Amygdala-c5);





% rpapa's code is the basis for this: http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/279011/
    \begin{scope}[every node/.style={circle, draw, minimum size=2em, blue}]
      \node[circle, draw] (#2-c1){};
      \node[below left=1em of #2-c1](#2-c2){};
      \node[below left=1em of #2-c2](#2-c3){};
      \node[below left=1em of #2-c3](#2-c4){};
    \node[above left=1em and 0em of #2-c1, blue](#2-tt){#2};
    \node[draw,fit=(#2-c1) (#2-c2) (#2-c3) (#2-c4) (#2-tt), red](#2){};

    \begin{scope}[every node/.style={circle, draw, minimum size=2em, red}]
      \node[circle, draw] (#2-c1){};
      \node[below left=1em of #2-c1](#2-c2){};
      \node[below left=1em of #2-c2](#2-c3){};
      \node[below left=1em of #2-c3](#2-c4){};
      \node[below right=2em and 1em of #2-c1, blue](#2-sum){\large $\Sigma$};
    \node[above left=1em and 0em of #2-c1, red](#2-tt){#2};
    \node[draw,fit=(#2-c1) (#2-c2) (#2-c3) (#2-c4) (#2-tt) (#2-sum), blue](#2){};
    \begin{scope}[draw=red, thick, ->]
      \draw (#2-c1)-|(#2-sum);
      \draw (#2-c2)--++(2em,0) --(#2-sum);
      \draw (#2-c3)--++(2em,0) --(#2-sum);
      \draw (#2-c4)-|(#2-sum);

    \begin{scope}[every node/.style={circle, draw, minimum size=2em, cyan}]
      \node[circle, draw] (#2-c1){};
      \node[below left=1em of #2-c1](#2-c2){};%to draw circles
      \node[below left=1em of #2-c2](#2-c3){};
      \node[below left=1em of #2-c3](#2-c4){};
      \node[below left=1 em of #2-c4](#2-c5){};
      \node[below right=2em and 1em of #2-c1][red](#2-sum){\large $\Sigma$};%to draw Sum
      % \node[below right=2em and 0 em of#2-sum](#2-sums){\large$\Sigma$};
    \node[above left=1em and 0em of #2-c1, cyan][cyan](#2-tt){#2}; %to label the  box name Amagydala
    \node[draw,fit=(#2-c1) (#2-c2) (#2-c3) (#2-c4) (#2-c5) (#2-tt) (#2-sum), cyan](#2){}; %to draw the box
    \begin{scope}[draw=cyan, thick, ->]
      \draw (#2-c1)-|(#2-sum);
      \draw (#2-c2)--++(2em,0) --(#2-sum);
      \draw (#2-c3)--++(2em,0) --(#2-sum);
      \draw (#2-c4)-|(#2-sum);

 \bloc{(0,0)}{Thalamus} %the position of box 1

 \bloc{(4cm,0)}{Sensory Cortex} %the position of box 2

 \blocwithSum{(9cm,0)}{Orbitofrontal Cortex}  %the position of box 3

 \blocwithz{(4cm,-7cm)}{Amygdala} % the position of box 4

 \foreach \ii in{1,2,3,4} {
   \node[draw][red](E\ii) at (Thalamus-c\ii-|-5,0){$S_{\ii}$};%to draw the inputs stimulus and their position
   \draw[->,thick][blue]  (E\ii)-- (Thalamus-c\ii);
   \draw[->,thick] [red](Thalamus-c\ii) -- (Sensory Cortex-c\ii);
   \draw[->,thick] [blue] (Sensory Cortex-c\ii) --  (Orbitofrontal Cortex-c\ii);
   \draw[->,thick] [red] (Sensory Cortex-c\ii) --  (Amygdala-c\ii);
   %\draw[->,thick] [red] (g) --  (Amygdala-c\ii);
 \draw [->, thick] (Thalamus) |- (Amygdala-c5);
