
\begin{tabular}{||p{2cm} | p{2cm} | p{1.8cm} | p{3cm} | p{2.5cm} | p{1.7cm} | p{1.7cm} ||}%p{1.7cm}||}
Project & Aid & Operating range & Method & Authors & Publication year \\
& RFID sensor tags & Limited & GIS, MySQL & \cite{Fernandes14} & 2014\\
Electronic white cane & Ultrasonic sensor & Limited & Logical map construction & \cite{Bhatlawande14} & 2014 \\
&& \(\le\)6mts & Radiometric calculations & \cite{Villanueva12} & 2012 \\
Mechanical & White cane & Limited & Manual & - & - \\
& Guide dog & Virtually unlimited & Human interaction & \cite{dog14} & - \\
& Kinect, White cane & \multirow{2}{*}{\(\le\)5mts} & Harris \& Stephens corner detector, Neural network & \cite{Nadia15}, \cite{Vitor12} & 2015\\
& CMOS camera & - & Coarse description & \cite{Mekhalfi15} & 2015 \\
& ToF camera & \(\le\)5mts & Depth estimation & \cite{Praveen13} & 2013\\
& Multiple cameras/camera array & - & Visual tracking/Parametric elipsoid representation & \cite{Limprasert13} & 2013 \\
Based on camera &  & \(\le\)2mts & Canny Edge Detector\cite{Canny86} & \cite{Moreno12} & 2012\\
&VGA camera & depends on application & SDK open architecture & \cite{Battaglia12} & 2012\\
& Extraocular camera, intraocular retinal prosthesis & - & Intrusive/wireless RF feedback & \cite{Weiland12} & 2012\\
& 3D camera & Virtually unlimited & Haptic rendering & \cite{Moustakas07} & 2007\\
& Camera & - & Image to sound mapping & \cite{Meijer92} & 1992\\ 
& RGB-D camera & - & 2D traversability map & \cite{Lee} & -\\
\emph{Microsoft Kinect for Xbox 360} & White cane & \multirow{2}{*}{\(\le\)5mts} & Harris \& Stephens corner detector & \cite{Nadia15}, \cite{Vitor12}& 2015\\
& & & Neural network & &\\
& RGB sensor, IR sensor & \(\le\)5mts & sonification, Color-Depth segmentation & \cite{Brock13}, \cite{Jose12} & 2013, 2012 \\
& Ultrasonic sensor & \(\le\)2mts & Ultrasonic echoes time stretching, Acoustic image processing & \cite{Dickstein15}, \cite{Shoval98} & 2015, 1998 \\
Signals & Sonar module and IR motion sensor & \(\le\)10mts & Smart signal processing & \cite{Ando08} & 2008 \\
Information tracking system & GPS, beacons & Virtually unlimited & XML databases & \cite{Cecilio15} & 2015 \\
& Webcam, white cane & Virtually unlimited & GIS & \cite{Serrao12} & 2012 \\ \hline \hline
\caption{\footnotesize{Table 1. State of art}} 


\begin{tabular}{||p{2cm} | p{2cm} | p{1.8cm} | p{3cm} | p{2.5cm} | p{1.7cm} | p{1.7cm} ||}%p{1.7cm}||}
Project & Aid & Operating range & Method & Authors & Publication year \\
& RFID sensor tags & Limited & GIS, MySQL & \cite{Fernandes14} & 2014\\
Electronic white cane & Ultrasonic sensor & Limited & Logical map construction & \cite{Bhatlawande14} & 2014 \\
&& \(\le\)6mts & Radiometric calculations & \cite{Villanueva12} & 2012 \\
Mechanical & White cane & Limited & Manual & - & - \\
& Guide dog & Virtually unlimited & Human interaction & \cite{dog14} & - \\
& Kinect, White cane & \multirow{2}{*}{\(\le\)5mts} & Harris \& Stephens corner detector, Neural network & \cite{Nadia15}, \cite{Vitor12} & 2015\\
& CMOS camera & - & Coarse description & \cite{Mekhalfi15} & 2015 \\
& ToF camera & \(\le\)5mts & Depth estimation & \cite{Praveen13} & 2013\\
& Multiple cameras/camera array & - & Visual tracking/Parametric elipsoid representation & \cite{Limprasert13} & 2013 \\
Based on camera &  & \(\le\)2mts & Canny Edge Detector\cite{Canny86} & \cite{Moreno12} & 2012\\
&VGA camera & depends on application & SDK open architecture & \cite{Battaglia12} & 2012\\
& Extraocular camera, intraocular retinal prosthesis & - & Intrusive/wireless RF feedback & \cite{Weiland12} & 2012\\
& 3D camera & Virtually unlimited & Haptic rendering & \cite{Moustakas07} & 2007\\
& Camera & - & Image to sound mapping & \cite{Meijer92} & 1992\\ 
& RGB-D camera & - & 2D traversability map & \cite{Lee} & -\\
\emph{Microsoft Kinect for Xbox 360} & White cane & \multirow{2}{*}{\(\le\)5mts} & Harris \& Stephens corner detector & \cite{Nadia15}, \cite{Vitor12}& 2015\\
& & & Neural network & &\\
& RGB sensor, IR sensor & \(\le\)5mts & sonification, Color-Depth segmentation & \cite{Brock13}, \cite{Jose12} & 2013, 2012 \\
& Ultrasonic sensor & \(\le\)2mts & Ultrasonic echoes time stretching, Acoustic image processing & \cite{Dickstein15}, \cite{Shoval98} & 2015, 1998 \\
Signals & Sonar module and IR motion sensor & \(\le\)10mts & Smart signal processing & \cite{Ando08} & 2008 \\
Information tracking system & GPS, beacons & Virtually unlimited & XML databases & \cite{Cecilio15} & 2015 \\
& Webcam, white cane & Virtually unlimited & GIS & \cite{Serrao12} & 2012 \\ \hline \hline




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\centering % <==========================================================
Project & Aid & Operating range & Method & Authors & Publication year \\
& RFID sensor tags & Limited & GIS, MySQL & Fernandes14 & 2014\\
Electronic white cane & Ultrasonic sensor & Limited & Logical map construction & Bhatlawande14 & 2014 \\
% left out several lines, not interesting for problem ...
& Webcam, white cane & Virtually unlimited & GIS & Serrao12 & 2012 \\ 
\hline \hline 
\caption{State of art}% <===============================================
\label{tab:one} % <=====================================================
\end{table} \\ % <================================ causing the error!!!!

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