\linespread{1.5} %spessore interlinea (default=1, MM1 = s1.4)
\begin{minipage}[t][][b] {6cm}
\begin{minipage}[t][][b] {9cm}
\begin{tikzpicture}[> = stealth]
\draw[gray,step=1cm] (0,0) grid +(15cm,15cm);
\draw[ultra thick,red] (4,5) -- node[above] {} +(2,2);
\draw[ultra thick,red] (4,5) -- node[above] {} +(-1,2);
%\draw[ultra thick,red] (4,5) -- node[above] {} +(0,-3);
% \draw[ultra thick,black] (4,5) -- node[above] {} +(+3,0);
% \draw[ultra thick,black] (4,5) -- node[above] {} +(-3,0);
\draw[ultra thick,black] (9,8) -- node[above] {} +(+3,0);
\draw[ultra thick,black] (9,8) -- node[above] {} +(0,6);
\draw[ultra thick,black] (9,8) -- node[above] {} +(3,6);
% \draw[ultra thick,black] (9,14) -- node[above] {} +(3,0);
% \draw[ultra thick,black] (12,14) -- node[above] {} +(0,-6);
%\item Determina le componenti in direzione orizzontale e verticale del vettore $ \vec{r} $, sapendo che:
%%$ \abs{\vec{r}}= {r}= $ 5 e $ \alpha= $ 60°.
%\begin{minipage}[t][][b] {6cm}
% \begin{itemize}
%\item $ \abs{\vec{r}}= {r}= $ 5;
%\item $ \alpha= $ 60°.
% \end{itemize}
%\begin{minipage}[t][][b] {9cm}
%\begin{tikzpicture}[> = stealth]
%%\coordinate (a) at (1,4);
%%\coordinate (b) at (3,5);
%%\coordinate (c) at (5,4);
%\coordinate (d) at (1,1);
%\coordinate (e) at (2,2.866025);
%%\draw[gray,step=1cm] (0,0) grid +(9cm,6cm);
%%\draw [fill=green!30] (a) -- ++(1cm,0) arc(0:{atan(1/2)}:1cm) node[pos=1.2,right, above] {$\alpha$} -- cycle;
%\draw [fill=green!30] (d) -- ++(0.5cm,0) arc(0:{atan(0.57735)}:0.5cm) node[pos=1.5,right, above] {\Large $\alpha$} -- cycle;
%%\draw[ultra thick,red, ->] (a) -- node[above] {\Large $\vec{c}$} (b);
%%\draw[ultra thick,blue,->] (a) -- node[below left] {\Large $\vec{d}$} (c);
%\draw[ultra thick,red, ->] (d) -- node[above left] {\Large $\vec{r}$} (e);
%\item Determina le componenti in direzione orizzontale e verticale del vettore $ \vec{r} $, sapendo che:
%%$ \abs{\vec{r}}= {r}= $ 5 e $ \alpha= $ 60°.
%\begin{minipage}[t][][b] {6cm}
% \begin{itemize}
%\item $ \abs{\vec{r}}= {r}= $ 5;
%\item $ \alpha= $ 60°.
% \end{itemize}
%\begin{minipage}[t][][b] {9cm}
%\begin{tikzpicture}[> = stealth]
%%\coordinate (a) at (1,4);
%%\coordinate (b) at (3,5);
%%\coordinate (c) at (5,4);
%\coordinate (d) at (1,1);
%\coordinate (e) at (2,2.866025);
%%\draw[gray,step=1cm] (0,0) grid +(9cm,6cm);
%%\draw [fill=green!30] (a) -- ++(1cm,0) arc(0:{atan(1/2)}:1cm) node[pos=1.2,right, above] {$\alpha$} -- cycle;
%\draw [fill=green!30] (d) -- ++(0.5cm,0) arc(0:{atan(0.57735)}:0.5cm) node[pos=1.5,right, above] {\Large $\alpha$} -- cycle;
%%\draw[ultra thick,red, ->] (a) -- node[above] {\Large $\vec{c}$} (b);
%%\draw[ultra thick,blue,->] (a) -- node[below left] {\Large $\vec{d}$} (c);
%\draw[ultra thick,red,] (d) -- node[above left] {\Large {r}} (e);
%% Table generated by Excel2LaTeX from sheet 'Foglio1'
% \centering
% %\caption{Add caption}
% \begin{tabular}{rcccccc}
% \toprule
% \textbf{Esercizio} & \textbf{1} & \textbf{2} & \textbf{3} & \textbf{4} & \textbf{TOT} \\
% \midrule
% \textbf{Punti} &
% \dots\dots/1.25 &
% \dots\dots/0.75 &
% \dots\dots/0.75 &
% \dots\dots/1.25 &
% \dots\dots/4.0 \\
% \bottomrule
% \end{tabular}%
% %\label{tab:addlabel}%
% \caption*{Punteggio minimo: 2/10 \qquad Punteggio per la sufficienza: 2.6/ 4.0}
\usepackage{lipsum} % for the example, safe to remove
\lipsum[1] % replaces text
\tkzMarkAngle[draw=red!40, fill=red!40](R,O,L)
\tkzLabelAngle[pos=1.2, color=red!40](A,O,L){$\alpha$}
\tkzLabelAngle[pos=1.2, color=red!40](R,O,B){$\alpha$}
\tkzMarkAngle[draw=blue!60, fill=blue!60](B,O,A)
\tkzLabelAngle[pos=1.2, color=blue!60](U,O,A){$\beta$}
\tkzLabelAngle[pos=1.2, color=blue!60](U,O,B){$\beta$}
\tkzDrawSegments[thin, loosely dashed](L,R O,U A,B)
\tkzDrawSegments[ultra thick](A,O O,B)
\caption{image 1}
\tkzMarkAngle[draw=red!40, fill=red!40](Y,O,U)
\tkzLabelAngle[pos=1.2, color=red!40](Y,O,U){$\gamma$}
\tkzMarkAngle[draw=blue!60, fill=blue!60](R,O,Y)
\tkzLabelAngle[pos=1.2, color=blue!60](R,O,Y){$\alpha$}
\tkzDrawSegments(R,O O,U)
\tkzDrawSegments[loosely dashed](U,Y Y,R)
\tkzDrawSegment[ultra thick, arrows=->](O,Y)
\caption{image 2}
\lipsum[2] % replaces text
不幸的是你的 MWE 无法编译...所以我从中制作了自己的:
编辑:为了生成更紧凑的角度表示并展示对角度标签位置的可能控制angle eccentricity
> = stealth,
angle radius = 12mm,
my angle/.style = {draw, fill=#1,
angle eccentricity=1.2} % angle label position!
\draw[gray,step=1cm] (0,0) grid +(15cm,7cm);
\coordinate (A0) at ( 9,1);
\node (Ay) at ( 9,7) [above] {$y$};
\node (Ax) at (12,1) [right] {$x$};
\coordinate (A) at (12,7);
\path (A0) edge[thick,->] (Ax)
(A0) edge[thick,->] (Ay)
(A0) edge[ultra thick] (A)
pic [my angle=blue!30, "$\beta$"] {angle = Ax--A0--A}
pic [my angle=red!30, "$\gamma$"] {angle = A--A0--Ay};
\draw[dashed] (Ay.south) -| (Ax.west);
\coordinate (B0) at (4,4);
\node (By) at (4,6) [above] {$y$};
\coordinate (Bx1)at (2,4);
\node (Bx2)at (6,4) [right] {$x$};
\coordinate (B1) at (2,6);
\coordinate (B2) at (6,6);
\path (Bx1) edge[thick,->] (Bx2)
(B0) edge[thick,->] (By)
(B0) edge[ultra thick] (B1)
(B0) edge[ultra thick] (B2)
pic [my angle=red!30, "$\alpha$"] {angle = Bx2--B0--B2}
pic [my angle=blue!30, "$\beta$"] {angle = B2--B0--By}
pic [my angle=blue!30, "$\beta$"] {angle = By--B0--B1}
pic [my angle=red!30, "$\alpha$"] {angle = B1--B0--Bx1};