是否可以在 LaTex 中绘制图形和相位线?

是否可以在 LaTex 中绘制图形和相位线?

我正在研究使用微分方程的隔室模型对传染病进行建模。我想对我的感染率进行一些定性分析。现在,我知道它是一条向下开口的抛物线,我可以轻松绘制它,因为截距在 0 和 1。但是,我希望能够在 x 轴上绘制相线,使 0 不稳定而 1 稳定。我知道绘制相线和绘制图形的方法,但我不知道如何将它们结合起来。









    % #1 = axis tick labels
    % #2 = right arrows positions as CSV
    % #3 = left arrow positions as CSV
    \edef\MyList{#2}% Allows for #1 to be both a macro or not
    \foreach \X in \MyList {
        \draw  (\X,\TickSize) -- (\X,-\TickSize) node [below] {$\X$};

    \edef\MyList{#3}% Allows for #2 to be both a macro or not
    \foreach \X in \MyList {% Right arrows
        \draw [->] (\X-0.1,0) -- (\X,0);

    \edef\MyList{#4}% Allows for #3 to be both a macro or not
    \foreach \X in \MyList {% Left arrows
        \draw [<-] (\X-0.1,0) -- (\X,0);

    \draw  (\AxisMin-1,0) -- (\AxisMax+1,0) node [right] {#1};

    \DrawHorizontalPhaseLine[$I$]{-1,0,1,2}{.25,.5,.75}  {-.25,-.5,-.75,1.25,1.5,1.75}  
    \draw[domain=-0.5:1.5,smooth,variable=\x,red] plot ({\x},{-1*(\x-0.5)*(\x-0.5)+.25});  


有时 TikZ 不在乎零,有时却在乎。这里,它关心。错误抱怨.缺少一个数字,因为它根本无法将以小数点开头的数字视为数字。解决方案是简单地明确添加零:


然后 TikZ 也会将 -1 到 1 之间的数字视为数字,并且愉快地解析列表而没有任何抱怨。


完整代码(大部分Peter Grill 的):


% Peter Grill's answer at https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/170057/

    % #1 = axis tick labels
    % #2 = right arrows positions as CSV
    % #3 = left arrow positions as CSV
    \edef\MyList{#2}% Allows for #1 to be both a macro or not
    \foreach \X in \MyList {
        \draw  (\X,\TickSize) -- (\X,-\TickSize) node [below] {$\X$};
    \edef\MyList{#3}% Allows for #2 to be both a macro or not
    \foreach \X in \MyList {% Right arrows
        \draw [->] (\X-0.1,0) -- (\X,0);
    \edef\MyList{#4}% Allows for #3 to be both a macro or not
    \foreach \X in \MyList {% Left arrows
        \draw [<-] (\X-0.1,0) -- (\X,0);
    \draw  (\AxisMin-1,0) -- (\AxisMax+1,0) node [right] {#1};

    % #1 = axis tick labels
    % #2 = up arrows positions as CSV
    % #3 = down arrow positions as CSV
    \edef\MyList{#2}% Allows for #1 to be both a macro or not
    \foreach \X in \MyList {
        \draw  (-\TickSize,\X) -- (\TickSize,\X) node [right] {$\X$};
    \edef\MyList{#3}% Allows for #2 to be both a macro or not
    \foreach \X in \MyList {% Up arrows
        \draw [->] (0,\X-0.1) -- (0,\X);
    \edef\MyList{#4}% Allows for #3 to be both a macro or not
    \foreach \X in \MyList {% Down arrows
        \draw [<-] (0,\X+0.1) -- (0,\X);
    \draw  (0,\AxisMin-1) -- (0,\AxisMax+1) node [above] {#1};

    \draw [domain=-0.5:1.5,smooth,variable=\x,red] plot (\x,{-1*(\x-0.5)*(\x-0.5)+.25});






    % #1 = axis tick labels
    % #2 = right arrows positions as CSV
    % #3 = left arrow positions as CSV
    \edef\MyList{#2}% Allows for #1 to be both a macro or not
    \foreach \X in \MyList {
        \draw  (\X,\TickSize) -- (\X,-\TickSize) node [below] {$\X$};

    \edef\MyList{#3}% Allows for #2 to be both a macro or not
    \foreach \X in \MyList {% Right arrows
        \draw [->] (\X-0.1,0) -- (\X,0);

    \edef\MyList{#4}% Allows for #3 to be both a macro or not
    \foreach \X in \MyList {% Left arrows
        \draw [<-] (\X-0.1,0) -- (\X,0);

    \draw  (\AxisMin-1,0) -- (\AxisMax+1,0) node [right] {#1};

    \DrawHorizontalPhaseLine[$x$]{0,2,4}{-0.5, 4.7}{1, 2.5}%
    \draw[domain=-0.5:1.5,smooth,variable=\x,blue] plot ({\x},{-1*(\x-0.5)*(\x-0.5)+0.25});

添加的命令的\draw[domain=-0.5:1.5,smooth,variable=\x,blue] plot ({\x},{-1*(\x-0.5)*(\x-0.5)+0.25});工作原理如下:参数domain指定应为函数绘制的 x 值范围。参数smooth表示函数应该是平滑曲线,而不是直线序列。参数variable定义从以下位置输入值的变量domain。最后一个参数定义绘制函数时使用的颜色。然后我们定义实际函数(您可以将其读作 f(x) = -1*(x*0.5)*(x*0.5)+0.25,这只是一个普通的抛物线,因子 -1 向右移动 0.5,向上移动 0.25——这应该是您在问题中描述的抛物线)。您可以在pgf 手册在第279页。

