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\small\caption{Product Concentrations and Enzyme Reaction Velocities for the 5 Substrate Concentrations in Varying Inhibitor Environments}
\head{Metal} & \head{Average Velocity SD} & \head{Average Product Concentration Formed SD}\\
\verb|Magnesium| & \verb|1.30 \pm 0.67| & \verb|25.97 \pm 13.33|\\
\verb|Zinc| & \verb|0.40 \pm 0.049| & \verb|8.06 \pm 0.97|\\
\usepackage[hang, small,labelfont=bf,up,textfont=it,up]{caption}
似乎是矛盾的,因为标题文本部分的字体形状应该都是 up[shape]和it[alics]。无论如何,labelfont 和 textfont 的第二个选项在两种情况下都会被忽略。最好将指令写为
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\caption{Product Concentrations and Enzyme Reaction Velocities for the 5 Substrate Concentrations in Varying Inhibitor Environments}
\head{Metal} & \head{Average Velocity SD}
& \head{Average Product Concentration Formed SD}\\
Magnesium & $1.30 \pm 0.67\phantom{0}$ & $25.97 \pm 13.33$\\
Zinc & $0.40 \pm 0.049$ & $\phantom{0}8.06 \pm \phantom{0}0.97$\\
为什么 OP 使用\verb|...|
?→ 我不知道,也许是为了得到\texttt
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\small\caption{Product Concentrations and Enzyme Reaction Velocities for the 5 Substrate Concentrations in Varying Inhibitor Environments}
\head{Metal} & \head{Average Velocity SD} & \head{Average Product Concentration Formed SD}\\
\texttt{Magnesium} & \texttt{1.30} $\pm$ \texttt{0.67} & \texttt{25.97} $\pm$ \texttt{13.33}\\
% \verb|Zinc| & \verb|0.40 \pm 0.049| & \verb|8.06 \pm 0.97|\\
\caption{Product Concentrations and Enzyme Reaction Velocities for the 5
Substrate Concentrations in Varying Inhibitor Environments}
\head{Metal} & \head{Average Velocity SD} & \head{Average Product \\ Concentration Formed SD}\\
Magnesium & 1.30 \pm 0.67 & 25.97 \pm 13.33 \\
Zinc & 0.40 \pm 0.049 & 8.06 \pm 0.97 \\