如何修复 \afterpage 之前的单页上的段落标题和 \afterpage 之后第一页上的文本?

如何修复 \afterpage 之前的单页上的段落标题和 \afterpage 之后第一页上的文本?

TeX Live 2014 在 Xubuntu 14.04 LTS 上,使用 进行编译xelatex


\documentclass[11pt, twoside]{book}
\geometry{a4paper, left=3.5cm, right=2.5cm, top=3.5cm, bottom=3.5cm}
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Linux Libertine O}
\setmonofont{Linux Libertine Mono O}

    Here be landscape content.

\paragraph{Paragraph Title}
Text spanning this and the two next lines. Text spanning this and the two next
lines. Text spanning this and the two next lines. Text spanning this and the
two next lines. Text spanning this and the two next lines. Text spanning this
and the two next lines.

\paragraph{Paragraph Title}
Text spanning this and the three next lines. Text spanning this and the three
next lines. Text spanning this and the three next lines. Text spanning this
and the three next lines. Text spanning this and the three next lines. Text
spanning this and the three next lines. Text spanning this and the three next

\paragraph{This paragraph breaks uglily}\label{mrkr}


该文档如下所示,请注意手动添加的标签以作一些解释: 在 GIMP 中手动添加了包含四页和标签的 PDF。




在根据实际约 100 页的文档构建 MWE 时,我删除了\label后面的 from \paragraph,发现不需要的分页符消失了。重新阅读《LaTeX 指南》(第 211-212 页,第四版)中的相应页面时,我偶然发现了这一点:


突出显示是我添加的。因此,这样做后,MWE 看起来如下所示:

\documentclass[11pt, twoside]{book}
\geometry{a4paper, left=3.5cm, right=2.5cm, top=3.5cm, bottom=3.5cm}
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Linux Libertine O}
\setmonofont{Linux Libertine Mono O}

    Here be landscape content.

\paragraph{Paragraph Title}
Text spanning this and the two next lines. Text spanning this and the two next
lines. Text spanning this and the two next lines. Text spanning this and the
two next lines. Text spanning this and the two next lines. Text spanning this
and the two next lines.

\paragraph{Paragraph Title}
Text spanning this and the three next lines. Text spanning this and the three
next lines. Text spanning this and the three next lines. Text spanning this
and the three next lines. Text spanning this and the three next lines. Text
spanning this and the three next lines. Text spanning this and the three next

\paragraph{This paragraph breaks nicely\label{mrkr}}


最终文件将如下所示: 在 GIMP 中手动添加了包含三页和标签的 PDF。




    blah blah blah

    \afterpage{....big landscape figure}

    blah blah blah

    \paragraph{Name of paragraph\index{entry}} blah blah blah

