我正在尝试制作下图所示表格的 LaTeX 版本。这主要是由于下方和右侧的轴而变得复杂。下面给出的代码是我设法取得的进展。首先,我对它的外观不太满意(我希望它更像图片),其次,我不知道如何完成这些轴。
\caption{Framework for health care planning and control \citep{hans2012framework}.}
\noindent\begin{tabularx}{0.8\textwidth}{ XXXXX } & \textbf{Medical Planning} & \textbf{Resource capacity planning} & \textbf{Materials planning} & \textbf{Financial planning}\\
\textbf{Strategic} & Research, development of medical protocols & Case mix planning, capacity dimensioning, workforce planning & Supply chain and warehouse design & Investment plans, contracting with insurance companies \\
\textbf{Tactical} & Treatment selection, protocol selection & Block planning, staffing, admission planning & Supplier selection, tendering & Budget and cost allocation\\
\textbf{Offline Operational} & Diagnosis and planning of an individual treatment & Appointment scheduling, workforce scheduling & Materials purchasing, determining order sizes & DRG billing, cash flow analysis\\
\textbf{Online Operational} & Triage, diagnosing emergencies and complications & Monitoring, emergency coordination & Rush ordering, inventory replenishing & Billing complications and changes\\
使用 Tikz Matrix
Matrix (T)
位于中心,包含框架节点。- 的上方和左侧有两个矩阵
\node[yshift=-2mm,font=\bfseries] at (T.south){$ \leftarrow $ managerial erea $ \rightarrow $};
\node[xshift=2mm,font=\large\bfseries,rotate=-90] at (T.east){$ \leftarrow $ \textbf{hierarchical decomposition} $ \rightarrow $};
\caption{Framework for health care planning and control.}
\matrix (T) [matrix of nodes,column sep=4pt,row sep=4pt,nodes={draw,text width=3.3cm,align=center,rounded corners,minimum height=1.3cm,inner sep=1pt,font=\footnotesize,anchor=south}]
Research, development of medical protocols & Case mix planning, capacity dimensioning, workforce planning & Supply chain and warehouse design & Investment plans, contracting with insurance companies \\
Treatment selection, protocol selection & Block planning, staffing, admission planning & Supplier selection, tendering & Budget and cost allocation\\
Diagnosis and planning of an individual treatment & Appointment scheduling, workforce scheduling & Materials purchasing, determining order sizes & DRG billing, cash flow analysis\\
Triage, diagnosing emergencies and complications & Monitoring, emergency coordination & Rush ordering, inventory replenishing & Billing complications and changes\\
\node[yshift=-2mm,font=\bfseries] at (T.south){$ \leftarrow $ managerial erea $ \rightarrow $};
\node[xshift=2mm,font=\large\bfseries,rotate=-90] at (T.east){$ \leftarrow $ \textbf{hierarchical decomposition} $ \rightarrow $};
\matrix at (T.north west) [matrix of nodes,anchor=south west,yshift=-4mm,column sep=4pt,nodes={text width=3.3cm,align=center,minimum height=1.3cm,inner sep=1pt,font=\bfseries}]
Medical \par Planning & Resource \par capacity planning & Materials \par planning & Financial \par planning\\
\matrix at (T.north west) [matrix of nodes,anchor=north east,row sep=4pt,nodes={text width=2.3cm,align=right,minimum height=1.3cm,font=\bfseries}]
Offline \par Operational\\
Online \par Operational\\
\caption{Framework for health care planning and control}
\noindent\begin{tabularx}{0.8\textwidth}{ XXXXXX } & \textbf{Medical Planning} & \textbf{Resource capacity planning} & \textbf{Materials planning} & \textbf{Financial planning}&\\\cline{1-5}
\textbf{Strategic} & Research, development of medical protocols & Case mix planning, capacity dimensioning, workforce planning & Supply chain and warehouse design & Investment plans, contracting with insurance companies &\parbox[t]{2mm}{\multirow{4}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{270}{$ \leftarrow $ \textbf{hierarchical decomposition} $ \rightarrow $}}}\\\cline{1-5}
\textbf{Tactical} & Treatment selection, protocol selection & Block planning, staffing, admission planning & Supplier selection, tendering & Budget and cost allocation&\\\cline{1-5}
\textbf{Offline Operational} & Diagnosis and planning of an individual treatment & Appointment scheduling, workforce scheduling & Materials purchasing, determining order sizes & DRG billing, cash flow analysis&\\\cline{1-5}
\textbf{Online Operational} & Triage, diagnosing emergencies and complications & Monitoring, emergency coordination & Rush ordering, inventory replenishing & Billing complications and changes&\\\cline{1-5}
& \multicolumn{4}{c}{$ \leftarrow $ \textbf{managerial areas} $ \rightarrow $} &\\