% section
% enumerate
% theorems
% 2.4.3
\setcounter{enumi}{2}\item Each of the following derivations
proves a sequent. Write out the sequent that it proves.
\Infer1[($\to I$)]{(\psi \to \phi)}
\Infer1[($\to I$)]{(\phi \to (\psi \to \phi))}
\(\phi\vdash (\phi \to (\psi \to \phi))\)
% 2.4.4
\item Write out derivations to prove each of the following sequents.
\item \(\vdash (\phi \to (\psi \to \psi))\)
\Hypo{\bcancel\phi^{\textcircled{\scriptsize 2}}}
\Hypo{\cancel\psi^{\,\textcircled{\scriptsize 1}}}
\Infer[left label=\textcircled{\scriptsize 1},
right label=($\to$I)]1{(\psi \to \psi)}
\Infer[left label=\textcircled{\scriptsize 2},
right label=($\to$I)]2{(\phi \to (\psi \to \psi))}
解决方案环境垂直对齐在 prooftree 环境的垂直中心。如何将其提升到 prooftree 环境的顶部?
% section
% enumerate
% theorems
\newcommand{\mathcircled}[1]{\mbox{\textcircled{\scriptsize #1}}}
% 2.4.3
\setcounter{enumi}{2}\item Each of the following derivations
proves a sequent. Write out the sequent that it proves.
\Infer1[($\to I$)]{(\psi \to \phi)}
\Infer1[($\to I$)]{(\phi \to (\psi \to \phi))}
\(\phi\vdash (\phi \to (\psi \to \phi))\)
% 2.4.4
\item Write out derivations to prove each of the following sequents.
\item \(\vdash (\phi \to (\psi \to \psi))\)
\Infer[left label=\mathcircled{1},
right label=$(\to I)$]1{(\psi \to \psi)}
\Infer[left label=\mathcircled{2},
right label=$(\to I)$]2{(\phi \to (\psi \to \psi))}