\documentclass[x11names, border=3pt]{standalone}
\psset{dotsize=5pt, arrowinset=0}
\psframe[linewidth=0.3pt, fillstyle=solid, fillcolor=SlateGray4!60](B0)(A1)
\psaxes[yAxis=false, ticks=none, labels=none]{->}(0,0)(-4,0)(6,0)}
仅需使用 Plain TeX 进行代码高尔夫乐趣\pdfliteral
\pdfliteral{q 0.8g 0.2w 38 0m 38 20l 42 20l 42 0l B
1w 0g 0 0m 100 0l S 100 0m 95 1.5l 95 -1.5l b* 18 20m 42 20l S 38 10m 62 10l S
4w 1J 30 20m 30 20l S 50 10m 50 10l S
0.5w 0J 18 22m 18 18l S 42 22m 42 18l S 38 12m 38 8l S 62 12m 62 8l S
[0.5 0.5] 0d 30 0m 30 20l S 50 0m 50 10l S Q}\bye
PDF 规范使用 PostScript 风格的语言来布局 PDF 中的元素。pdfTeX 的\pdfliteral
原语可以将其参数直接注入 PDF 文件中,因此我们可以使用它在非常低、简洁的层面上绘制图形。
该语言使用后缀运算符,因此通常运算符位于此分解代码中的行尾,而参数位于其前面。完整的语言规范可从 Adobe 免费在线获取:PDF 参考和 Adobe 对 PDF 规范的扩展。
q % save current graphics state (for later restore)
%% shaded overlapping region
0.8g % set fill color to 80% [g]rey
0.2w % set stroke [w]idth to 0.2pt
38 0m % [m]ove "pen" to coordinate (38,0)
38 20l % [l]ine to (38,20)
42 20l % [l]ine to (42,20)
42 0l % [l]ine to (42,0)
B % fill and stroke the current path
%% base line
1w 0g % set stroke width to 1pt and fill color to black
0 0m % move pen to the origin (0,0)
100 0l % line to (100,0)
S % stroke the current path
%% arrowhead
100 0m % move pen to (100,0)
95 1.5l % line to (95,1.5)
95 -1.5l % line to (95,-1.5)
b* % close, fill, and stroke the current path
%% error bar base lines
18 20m % move pen to (18,20)
42 20l % line to (42,20)
S % stroke the current path
38 10m % move pen to (38,10)
62 10l % line to (62,10)
S % stroke the current path
%% dots (zero-length lines w/ rounded line cap style)
4w 1J % set stroke width to 4pt and line cap style to 1 (rounded cap)
30 20m % move pen to (30,20)
30 20l % line to (30,20)
S % stroke the current path
50 10m % move pen to (50,10)
50 10l % line to (50,10)
S % stroke the current path
%% error bar ends
0.5w 0J % set stroke width to 0.5pt and line cap style to 0 (butt cap)
18 22m % move pen to (18,22)
18 18l % line to (18,18)
S % stroke the current path
42 22m % move pen to (42,22)
42 18l % line to (42,18)
S % stroke the current path
38 12m % move pen to (38,12)
38 8l % line to (38,8)
S % stroke the current path
62 12m % move pen to (62,12)
62 8l % line to (62,8)
S % stroke the current path
%% dotted lines from dots to base line
[0.5 0.5] 0d % set the dash pattern to "0.5pt on, 0.5pt off, phase 0"
30 0m % move pen to (30,0)
30 20l % line to (30,20)
S % stroke the current path
50 0m % move pen to (50,0)
50 10l % line to (50,10)
S % stroke the current path
Q % restore original graphics state
不确定最短代码,但这里有一个简单的 Metapost 努力,展示了ahangle
prologues := 3;
outputtemplate := "%j%c.eps";
path xx, e[], box;
xx = origin -- right scaled 60mm;
e1 = (left--right) scaled 11mm shifted (42mm,7mm);
e2 = (left--right) scaled 10mm shifted (26mm,14mm);
box = unitsquare xscaled abs xpart (point 0 of e1 - point 1 of e2)
yscaled abs ypart point 1 of e2
shifted (xpart point 0 of e1,0);
fill box withcolor .8[red,white];
draw box withcolor .4[red,white];
drawarrow xx withpen pencircle scaled 1;
ahangle := 180; % a trick to make error bars using "drawdblarrow"
ahlength := 3;
forsuffixes $=1,2:
drawdblarrow e$ withpen pencircle scaled 1;
z$ = point 1/2 of e$;
draw z$ -- (x$,0) dashed withdots scaled 1/3;
fill fullcircle scaled 6 shifted z$;
\draw [Bar-Bar,very thick,shorten <=-0.5\pgflinewidth,shorten >=-0.5\pgflinewidth] (-1,0) coordinate (-left) -- (1,0) coordinate (-right);
\node[minimum size=5pt,inner sep=0pt,fill,circle] (-ball) at (0,0) {};
\draw [-latex,very thick] (0,0) -- (5,0);
\pic (upper) at (2,2) {errorball};
\pic (lower) at (3.5,1) {errorball};
\foreach \ball in {upper,lower}
\draw [densely dotted] (\ball-ball) -- (\ball-ball|-0,0);
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\fill[black!10,draw=black] (upper-right) rectangle (lower-left |- 0,0);
关于 TikZ 的一个建议。
\draw [-latex,very thick] (0,0) -- (5,0);
\draw [Bar-Bar,very thick] (1,2) -- node[fill,circle] (a) {} +(2,0);
\draw [Bar-Bar,very thick] (2.5,1) -- node[fill,circle] (b) {} +(2,0);
\draw [densely dotted] (a) -- (a|-0,0)
(b) -- (b|-0,0);
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\fill[gray] (2.5,0) rectangle (3,2);