如何在 ewsn-proc 文档类中的作者之间插入换行符?

如何在 ewsn-proc 文档类中的作者之间插入换行符?





% The command \alignauthor (no curly braces needed) should
% precede each author name, affiliation/snail-mail address and
% e-mail address. Additionally, tag each line of
% affiliation/address with \affaddr, and tag the
%% e-mail address with \email.
\alignauthor Alice Security \\
        \affaddr{Department of Computer Science}\\
        \affaddr{University of Southern California}\\
       \email{[email protected]}
\alignauthor Bob Privacy \\
    \affaddr{Networked Embedded Systems Group}\\
    \affaddr{Swedish Institute of Computer Science}\\
    \email{[email protected]}

\title{Full Paper}





我的问题是,有 5 位作者,我应该在第 3 位和第 4 位作者之间添加换行符,以便它们适合页面...关于如何做到这一点,有什么想法吗?







% Fix the bad definition of \alignauthor
  \hspace{0pt}% <----- added

\alignauthor Alice Security \\
        \affaddr{Department of Computer Science}\\
        \affaddr{University of Southern California}\\
       \email{[email protected]}
\alignauthor Bob Privacy \\
    \affaddr{Networked Embedded Systems Group}\\
    \affaddr{Swedish Institute of Computer Science}\\
    \email{[email protected]}
\alignauthor Alice Security \\
        \affaddr{Department of Computer Science}\\
        \affaddr{University of Southern California}\\
       \email{[email protected]}
\alignauthor Bob Privacy \\
    \affaddr{Networked Embedded Systems Group}\\
    \affaddr{Swedish Institute of Computer Science}\\
    \email{[email protected]}
\alignauthor Bob Privacy \\
    \affaddr{Networked Embedded Systems Group}\\
    \affaddr{Swedish Institute of Computer Science}\\
    \email{[email protected]}

\title{Full Paper for ACM EWSN Proceedings}



%... The same as in the example file follows ...

