

嗨,我对这个文件有两个问题。第一个问题是,我希望每份副本中第 10 题答案的顺序都是随机的。第二个问题是,表格中没有\{bhpword Bonus Points:}出现奖励积分。你能帮我吗?非常感谢。



\bonuspointpoints{punto (bonus)}{punti (bonus)}


\newcounter{copynum} % copy number, to be printed in the footer 
\newcounter{NumCopy} % how many copies do we want?
\setcounter{NumCopy}{3} % we want 3
  \setcounter{page}{1} % start numbering pages for the current copy at 1
  \addtocounter{copynum}{1} % the number of the current copy
  \setcounter{question}{1} % make questions start at 1 again
  \setcounter{part}{1}  % make parts start at 1 again
  \ifnum\value{copynum}>1 %

    Why is there air?

    How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could cuck
    \bonusquestion[1] On what day of the week did he do it?
    \bonusquestion[2] What color shirt was he wearing?

    Compute $\displaystyle\int_0^1 x^2 \, dx$.

    This is the first question.
    Page 37
    This is the good part.
    This is the \emph{bad} part.
    Is there a question?
    \question[10] One of these things is not like the others; one of these
    things is not the same. Which one is different? 
    \choice RISPOSTA 1
    \choice Paul
    \choice George
    \choice Ringo
    \CorrectChoice Socrates

       Compute \fillwithlines{2in} 


    out of a possible \pointsonpage{\thepage} points



%  \gradetable[v][questions]
%  \begin{center}
%  \bonusgradetable[h][questions]
%  \end{center}
%  \begin{center}
%  \combinedgradetable[h][questions]
%  \end{center}

   \bhpword{Bonus Points:}



