如何在 longtable 环境中删除单元格填充?

如何在 longtable 环境中删除单元格填充?



Algorithm & Advantages & Disadvantages \\
Method A &\begin{itemize}
    \item Have a variable history window controlled by the weight parameter.
     \item Resilient to noise and impurities in data.
\end{itemize} & \begin{itemize}
    \item Difficult to gauge the sensitivity of the weight parameter.
     \item Has a tendency to loose pattern information during averaging.
Method B &  \begin{itemize}
    \item Fixed number of pervious input vectors provide fine grain control over the amount of history the algorithm considers when making classifications.  
     \item Does not loose pattern information as in averaging.
\end{itemize} & \begin{itemize}
    \item Is not very resilient to noise or impurities in data.
     \item Increasing the number of previous input vectors appended to the current input vector will increase the dimensionality (curse of dimensionality) of the overall input vector and the weight vectors of the SOM.
\caption{Summary of Methods}


enter image description here



enter image description here




Algorithm & Advantages & Disadvantages \\
\multirow{5}*{Method A}
        &   \begin{itemize}
            \item Have a variable history window controlled by the weight parameter.
            \item Resilient to noise and impurities in data.
                \item Difficult to gauge the sensitivity of the weight parameter.
                \item Has a tendency to loose pattern information during averaging.
\caption{Summary of Methods}
    \end{document}    \caption{Summary of Methods}

该包用于垂直居中第一个表格列的内容multirow。行数大约等于此行中其他单元格中最高单元格的行数(在示例 4 中,但 5 给出的结果略好一些)。



enter image description here



\thead{Algorithm} & \thead{Advantages} & \thead{Disadvantages} \\
\multirow{5}*{Method A} 
            &   \begin{itemize}[\textbullet]
            \item Have a variable history window controlled by the weight parameter.
            \item Resilient to noise and impurities in data.
                \item Difficult to gauge the sensitivity of the weight parameter.
                \item Has a tendency to loose pattern information during averaging.
\caption{Summary of Methods}
