我遇到了以下问题:我正在撰写博士论文,alignat 环境在文档过程中改变了行为。以下是一个例子:
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{book}
This is a string which tests the text width. This is a string which tests the text width. This is a string which tests the text width.
& \big\{\phi_{B^\prime}(v) | \mbox{$v \in V$ is a leaf of $G$}\big\}
&& = \big\{b \in B | \iota(b) \not\equiv d \mod d\big\}\\
& \big\{\phi_{B^\prime}(v) | \mbox{$v \in V$ is not a leaf of $G$}\big\}
&& = \big\{b \in B | \iota(b) \equiv d \mod d\big\}.
This is a string which tests the text width. This is a string which tests the text width. This is a string which tests the text width.
& \big\{\phi_{B^\prime}(v) | \mbox{$v \in V$ is a leaf of $G$}\big\}
&& = \big\{b \in B | \iota(b) \not\equiv d \mod d\big\}\\
& \big\{\phi_{B^\prime}(v) | \mbox{$v \in V$ is not a leaf of $G$}\big\}
&& = \big\{b \in B | \iota(b) \equiv d \mod d\big\}.
alignat 环境后其行为会发生变化。我尝试使用\pagenumbering{arabic}
这是 bug 吗?还是我哪里做错了?
这不是主要内容/前言问题。但由于数字较大,方程式对于行来说有点太长,然后 alignat 将数字推到边距中。我不知道这是故意的还是错误,或者根本无法避免。您可能必须缩短方程式。
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{book}
This is a string which tests the text width. This is a string which tests the text width. This is a string which tests the text width.
&& = b\\
&& = btests the text width. This is a string which tests the text width\\
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper,oneside]{book}
\makebox[\ifcase\expandafter #1\maxcolumn@widths\fi][l]{$\displaystyle#2$}%
This is a string which tests the text width. This is a string which tests the text width. This is a
string which tests the text width.
\Lft{1}{\bigl\{\phi_{B'}(v) \mid \text{$v \in V$ is a leaf of $G$}\bigr\}}
& = \bigl\{b \in B \mid \iota(b) \not\equiv d \mod d\bigr\}
\Lft{1}{\bigl\{\phi_{B'}(v) \mid \text{$v \in V$ is not a leaf of $G$}\bigr\}}
& = \bigl\{b \in B \mid \iota(b) \equiv d \mod d\bigr\}.
This is a string which tests the text width. This is a string which tests the text width. This is a
string which tests the text width.
\Lft{1}{\bigl\{\phi_{B'}(v) \mid \text{$v \in V$ is a leaf of $G$}\bigr\}}
& = \bigl\{b \in B \mid \iota(b) \not\equiv d \mod d\bigr\}
\Lft{1}{\bigl\{\phi_{B'}(v) \mid \text{$v \in V$ is not a leaf of $G$}\bigr\}}
& = \bigl\{b \in B \mid \iota(b) \equiv d \mod d\bigr\}.
This is a string which tests the text width. This is a string which tests the text width. This is a
string which tests the text width.
\bigl\{\phi_{B'}(v) \mid \text{$v \in V$ is a leaf of $G$}\bigr\}
= \bigl\{b \in B \mid \iota(b) \not\equiv d \mod d\bigr\}
\bigl\{\phi_{B'}(v) \mid \text{$v \in V$ is not a leaf of $G$}\bigr\}
= \bigl\{b \in B \mid \iota(b) \equiv d \mod d\bigr\}.