

目标是让 snake_cased 元素以打字机样式正确断开。我使用\detokenize而不是 ,\_因为否则 snake_casing 看起来不对,即像这样:




但 LaTeX 不会破坏它们。这是一个基本示例:








The procedures do as their names say. Specifically, \atomincons{\Delta}{\prop} returns \textbf{1}
if there exist both $p$ and $\neg p$ in $\Delta$ for some propositional letter
$p\in\prop$ and returns \textbf{0} otherwise. \containsonlyliterals{\Delta} returns \textbf{1} if $\Delta$ contains only atomic
literals and \textbf{0} otherwise. \containsnodiamond{\Delta} returns
\textbf{1} if there is no formula of the form $\langle a\rangle \varphi'$ in
$\Delta$ and \textbf{0} otherwise. Note that \isnormalized{\Delta},
\containsonlyliterals{\Delta} and \containsnodiamond{\Delta} runs in time linear
in the size of the set $\Delta$ while \atomincons{\Delta}{\prop} takes time at
most quadratic in the size of $\Delta$.














The procedures do as their names say. Specifically, \atomincons{\Delta}{\prop} returns \textbf{1}
if there exist both $p$ and $\neg p$ in $\Delta$ for some propositional letter
$p\in\prop$ and returns \textbf{0} otherwise. \containsonlyliterals{\Delta} returns \textbf{1} if $\Delta$ contains only atomic
literals and \textbf{0} otherwise. \containsnodiamond{\Delta} returns
\textbf{1} if there is no formula of the form $\langle a\rangle \varphi'$ in
$\Delta$ and \textbf{0} otherwise. Note that \isnormalized{\Delta},
\containsonlyliterals{\Delta} and \containsnodiamond{\Delta} runs in time linear
in the size of the set $\Delta$ while \atomincons{\Delta}{\prop} takes time at
most quadratic in the size of $\Delta$.

