Criterion & Discretization method & Dataset & Rank mean\\
\multirow{7}{*}{Cair mean value
through all intervals} & Equal width \\
& Equal frequency \\
& Maximum entropy \\
& IEM \\
& CADD\\
& CAIM\\
\multirow{7}{*}{Total no of intervals} & Equal width \\
& Equal frequency \\
& Maximum entropy \\
& IEM \\
& CADD\\
& CAIM\\
\multirow{7}{*}{Time[s]} & Equal width \\
& Equal frequency \\
& Maximum entropy \\
& IEM \\
& CADD\\
& CAIM\\
% Define column width as a command so it is easier to change
% p{\ColIWidth} - column of specific width
% *{8}{...} - Do "c|>{\footnotesize}c|" 8 times
% >{\footnotesize}c - Centered column but prefix each with \footnotesize
% multirows and multicolumns where appropriate
\multirow{2}{\ColIWidth}{\textbf{Criterion}} & \textbf{Discretization} & \multicolumn{16}{c|}{Dataset} & \textbf{RANK}\\\cline{3-18}
& \textbf{method} & iris & std & sat & std & thy & std & wav & std & ion & std & smo & std & hea & std & pid & std & mean\\
% Need a width in the multirow in order to get desired wrapping.
% The \vfil helps with vertical alignment.
\multirow{7}{\ColIWidth}{CAIR mean value
through all intervals\vfil} & Equal width & 0.40 & 0.01 & 0.24 & 0 \\
& Equal frequency \\
& Maximum entropy \\
& IEM \\
& CADD\\
& CAIM\\
\multirow{7}{\ColIWidth}{Total no of intervals\vfil} & Equal width \\
& Equal frequency \\
& Maximum entropy \\
& IEM \\
& CADD\\
& CAIM\\
\multirow{7}{\ColIWidth}{Time[s]\vfil} & Equal width \\
& Equal frequency \\
& Maximum entropy \\
& IEM \\
& CADD\\
& CAIM\\