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\chapterabstract[ In former days -- that is to say, once upon a time, there lived in the Land of Gramblamble, Seven Families. They lived by the side of the great Lake Pipple-popple (one of the Seven Families, indeed, lived in the Lake), and on the outskirts of the City of Tosh, which, excepting when it was quite dark, they could see plainly. The names of all these places you have probably heard of, and you have only not to look in your Geography books to find out all about them.]



\chapter {Introductory}%

\lettrine[lines = 2,loversize =0.1]{I}{n} former days -- that is to say, once upon a time, there lived in the Land of Gramblamble, Seven Families. They lived by the side of the great Lake Pipple-popple (one of the Seven Families, indeed, lived in the Lake), and on the outskirts of the City of Tosh, which, excepting when it was quite dark, they could see plainly. The names of all these places you have probably heard of, and you have only not to look in your Geography books to find out all about them.

Now the Seven Families who lived on the borders of the great Lake Pipple-popple, were as follows in the next Chapter.

  There was a Family of Two old Parrots and Seven young Parrots.\endgraf
  There was a Family of Two old Storks and Seven young Storks.\endgraf
  There was a Family of Two old Geese, and Seven young Geese.\endgraf
  There was a Family of Two old Owls, and Seven young Owls.\endgraf
  There was a Family of Two Old Guinea Pigs and Seven young Guinea Pigs.\endgraf
  There was a Family of Two old Cats and Seven young Cats.\endgraf
  And there was a Family of Two old Fishes and Seven young Fishes.

\chapter{The Seven Families}

\lettrine{O}{ne} day all the Seven Fathers and the Seven Mothers of the Seven Families agreed that they would send their children out to see the world.

So they called them all together, and gave them each eight shillings and some good advice, some chocolate drops, and a small green morocco pocket-book to set down their expenses in.

They then particularly entreated them not to quarrel, and all the parents sent off their children with a parting injunction.

\chapter{The Habits of the\\ Seven Families}

\lettrine{T}{he} Parrots lived upon the Soffsky-Poffsky trees, -- which were beautiful to behold, and covered with blue leaves, -- and they fed upon fruit, artichokes, and striped beetles.

The Storks walked in and out of the Lake Pipple-popple, and ate frogs for breakfast and buttered toast for tea, but on account of the extreme length of their legs, they could not sit down, and so they walked about continually.


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