

在 Windows 8 下,我使用RStudio 中的包Rknitr.Rnw 脚本。我的正则表达式技能还过得去,但仅限于R

我的文档大约有 30 页,每页底部都有不同的文本部分。文本部分以相同的方式开始, \subsubsection{\textcolor{blue}{\textsf{R} Note:并以\clearpage.


这是我的 MWE:


\section{How to Find and Extract Text within Fixed Markers}

\subsubsection{\textcolor{blue}{\textsf{R} Note: History and Current Status of \textsf{R}}}:  \textsf{R} is an open source software platform used to analyze data.  Written originally in the early 1990's, it is an \textbf{object-oriented}, \textbf{interpreted} programming language blessed with a wealth of constantly-growing and improving "packages" and a vibrant user community.


\section{Each Note is at the bottom of a page.  All have the same start up to Note: They end with clearpage}

\subsubsection{\textcolor{blue}{\textsf{R} Note: Different text}}:  Some other text.  **There are NO OTHER COMMANDS after the colon except \textsf{R} and all of it consists of ONE LINE OF TEXT.**




使用 xstring 包




This is XeTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-0.99991 (MiKTeX 2.9 64-bit) (preloaded format=xelatex 2015.12.3)  3 FEB 2016 20:03
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Output written on soquestion.pdf (2 pages).



  • 假设你绝不使用\subsubsection*{..}\subsubsection[.]{..}

  • 假设你会总是\subsubsection{..} ... \clearpage对于任何都有\subsubsection。也就是说,\subsubsection标题后的文本在开头以 分隔\subsubsection{..},在结尾以分隔\clearpage


  \let\textcolor\@secondoftwo% Extract <text> from \textcolor{<color>}{<text>}
  \let\textsf\@firstofone% Ignore \textsf
  \let\textbf\@firstofone% Ignore \textbf
  %\let\par\space% If \par is a problem in the output
  % ... Ignore other commands
  \xdef\@@x{#2}% Extract entire <title> in \subsubsection{<title>}
  \immediate\write\subsubsectiontextfile{\@@x}% Write <title> to file
  \oldsubsubsection{#1}#2\clearpage% Regular \subsubsection


\section{How to Find and Extract Text within Fixed Markers}

\subsubsection{\textcolor{blue}{\textsf{R} Note: History and Current Status of \textsf{R}}}:
\textsf{R} is an open source software platform used to analyze data.  
Written originally in the early 1990's, it is an \textbf{object-oriented}, \textbf{interpreted} 
programming language blessed with a wealth of constantly-growing and improving "packages" and 
a vibrant user community.


\section{Each Note is at the bottom of a page.  All have the same start up to Note: They end with clearpage}

\subsubsection{\textcolor{blue}{\textsf{R} Note: Different text}}:  
Some other text. **There are NO OTHER COMMANDS after the colon except \textsf{R} and all of it consists 




: R is an open source software platform used to analyze data. Written originally in the early 1990's, it is an object-oriented, interpreted programming language blessed with a wealth of constantly-growing and improving "packages" and a vibrant user community. \par 
: Some other text. **There are NO OTHER COMMANDS after the colon except R and all of it consists of ONE LINE OF TEXT.** \par 



不确定包含 是否\par有问题。您可以添加\let\par\space以转换\par为常规空间



sed -n '/\\subsubsection.*Note:/,/\\clearpage/p' myfile.tex


\subsubsection{\textcolor{blue}{\textsf{R} Note: History and Current Status of \textsf{R}}}:  \textsf{R} is an open source software platform used to analyze data.  Written originally in the early 1990's, it is an \textbf{object-oriented}, \textbf{interpreted} programming language blessed with a wealth of constantly-growing and improving ``packages'' and a vibrant user community.

\subsubsection{\textcolor{blue}{\textsf{R} Note: Different text}}:  Some other text.  **There are NO OTHER COMMANDS after the colon except \textsf{R} and all of it consists of ONE LINE OF TEXT.**


现在,我们要删除到 的部分Note:和 的部分\clearpage,这可以通过将其传输到来实现:

sed 's/\\subsubsection.*Note: //g;s/\\clearpage//g'


 History and Current Status of \textsf{R}}}:  \textsf{R} is an open source software platform used to analyze data.  Written originally in the early 1990's, it is an \textbf{object-oriented}, \textbf{interpreted} programming language blessed with a wealth of constantly-growing and improving ``packages'' and a vibrant user community.

Different text}}:  Some other text.  **There are NO OTHER COMMANDS after the colon except \textsf{R} and all of it consists of ONE LINE OF TEXT.**

最后,我们要去掉一些TeX东西。将结果通过管道传输到命令detex(TeX Live 的一部分)将会这样做。


sed -n '/\\subsubsection.*Note:/,/\\clearpage/p' myfile.tex | sed 's/\\subsubsection.*Note: //g;s/\\clearpage//g' | detex


History and Current Status of R:  R is an open source software platform used to analyze data.  Written originally in the early 1990's, it is an object-oriented, interpreted programming language blessed with a wealth of constantly-growing and improving ``packages'' and a vibrant user community.

Different text:  Some other text.  **There are NO OTHER COMMANDS after the colon except R and all of it consists of ONE LINE OF TEXT.**


由于是 Windows 8,因此应该包含 PowerShell,但目前我只能轻松访问 Windows 10 进行测试。以下是您可以在 PowerShell 提示符下运行的内容,假设将提取单行字符串。

给定一个源 .tex 文件

\section{How to Find and Extract Text within Fixed Markers}
\subsubsection{\textcolor{blue}{\textsf{R} Note: History and Current Status of \textsf{R}}}:  \textsf{R} is an open source software platform used to analyze data.  Written originally in the early 1990's, it is an \textbf{object-oriented}, \textbf{interpreted} programming language blessed with a wealth of constantly-growing and improving "packages" and a vibrant user community.
\section{Each Note is at the bottom of a page.  All have the same start up to Note: They end with clearpage}
\subsubsection{\textcolor{blue}{\textsf{R} Note: Different text}}:  Some other text.
\subsubsection{\textcolor{blue}{\textsf{R} Note: History and Current Status of \textsf{R}}}:  \textsf{R} is an open source software platform used to analyze data.  Written originally in the early 1990's, it is an \textbf{object-oriented}, \textbf{interpreted} programming language blessed with a wealth of constantly-growing and improving "packages" and a vibrant user community.

您可以在 PowerShell 提示符下运行以下命令:

| 选择 -ExpandProperty 行 `
| foreach { 写入主机 ($_ -split ': ')[1] }


\textsf{R} 是一个用于分析数据的开源软件平台。它最初于 20 世纪 90 年代初编写,是一种 \textbf{面向对象}、\textbf{解释型} 编程语言,拥有大量不断增长和改进的“软件包”以及活跃的用户社区。
\textsf{R} 是一个用于分析数据的开源软件平台。它最初于 20 世纪 90 年代初编写,是一种 \textbf{面向对象}、\textbf{解释型} 编程语言,拥有大量不断增长和改进的“软件包”以及活跃的用户社区。

我绝对不是 PowerShell 专家,但简单的解释是:

  • sls是 的别名select-string,大致相当于 Unix 的grep
  • select行从结果行中删除文件名和行号前缀
  • 迭代foreach输出的每一行,按序列分割行:,并返回第二行。
