如何使用 tikz-cd 绘制该图?
Here is my code
\tikzstyle{block} = [draw,rectangle,node distance=5em]
\node[block] (1) {Reserved};
\node[block, right of=1] (2) {Aero length};
\node[block,right of=2] (3) {DET};
\node[block,right of=3] (4) {Bob's Signature};
\node[block,right of=4] (5) {CPU};
\node[block,right of=5] (6) {Working};
\node[block,below of=1] (7) {Subframe 1};
\node[block,below of=2] (8) {Subframe 2};
\node[block,below of=3] (9) {Subframe 3};
\node[block,below of=4] (10) {...};
\node[block,below of=5] (11) {Subframe N};
\node[block,below of=7] (12) {Memory};
\node[block,below of=9] (13) {ALU};
这种组可以用 轻松绘制matrix of nodes
field/.style={draw, rounded corners, minimum height=8mm, anchor=center, align=center},
frame/.style={matrix of nodes, column sep=-\pgflinewidth, nodes={field}}]
\matrix (F1) [frame, row 1/.style={nodes={field, minimum height=12mm, text width=16mm}}]{
Reserved & {Areo \\ length} & DET & {Bob's\\ signature} & CPU & working \\};
\matrix (F2) [frame, below=of F1]{
Subframe 1 & Subframe 2 &|[minimum width=2cm]| \dots & Subframe n \\};
\matrix (F3) [frame, below=of F2]{
Memory & |[minimum width=6cm]| ALU \\};
\draw[dotted] (F1-1-1.south west) -- (F2-1-2.north west);
\draw[dotted] (F1-1-6.south east) -- (F2-1-2.north east);
\draw[dotted] (F2-1-1.south west) -- (F3-1-2.north west);
\draw[dotted] (F2-1-4.south east) -- (F3-1-2.north east);
如果没有mimimum width
或text width
固定,则所有节点都会根据其大小进行调整。如果您想要换行(如 中所示Aero length
),text width
需要使 breakline 命令 ( \\
) 起作用。
field/.style={draw, rounded corners, minimum height=8mm, anchor=center, align=center},
frame/.style={matrix of nodes, column sep=-\pgflinewidth, nodes={field}}]
\matrix (F1) [frame, row 1/.style={nodes={minimum height=12mm}}]{%
Reserved&|[text width=1cm]|{Areo\\ length}&DET&|[text width=14mm]|{Bob's\\ signature}&CPU&working\\};
\matrix (F2) [frame, below=of F1]{%
Subframe 1&Subframe 2&\dots&Subframe n\\};
\matrix (F3) [frame, below=of F2]{%
\draw[dotted] (F1-1-1.south west) -- (F2-1-2.north west);
\draw[dotted] (F1-1-6.south east) -- (F2-1-2.north east);
\draw[dotted] (F2-1-1.south west) -- (F3-1-2.north west);
\draw[dotted] (F2-1-4.south east) -- (F3-1-2.north east);