





    \multicolumn{8}{|c|}{\textbf{ANALYSE DE RISQUE}}\\
    \multicolumn{8}{|c|}{\textbf{Poste de travail ou machine:}}\\
    \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{\textbf{Risque}} & \textbf{Indice} &  \textbf{Situation Dangereuse} &  \textbf{Conséquence} &  \textbf{Mesure Corrective}\\
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   \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{Heavy weight of mother roller} & \multirow{ 2}{*}{} &  \multirow{ 2}{5cm}{The heavy mother coil is lifted to a high level and has the possibility of falling.} &  \multirow{ 2}{5cm}{The operator working in the moving range may be hited or crushed by the falling mother coil. } &   \multirow{ 2}{5.5cm}{Install a laser sensor to detect the operator moving around the crane and lower the mother coil if it detects someone is approaching this area.}\\
   G:1 & F:1 & O:1 & P:1 & & & & \\
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   \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{} & \multirow{ 2}{*}{} &  \multirow{ 2}{*}{} &  \multirow{ 2}{*}{} &   \multirow{ 2}{*}{}\\
   G: & F: & O: & P: & & & & \\
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Part to duplicate if needed %%%%%%%%%%%
   \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{} & \multirow{ 2}{*}{} &  \multirow{ 2}{*}{} &  \multirow{ 2}{*}{} &   \multirow{ 2}{*}{}\\
   G: & F: & O: & P: & & & & \\
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Part to duplicate if needed %%%%%%%%%%%
   \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{} & \multirow{ 2}{*}{} &  \multirow{ 2}{*}{} &  \multirow{ 2}{*}{} &   \multirow{ 2}{*}{}\\
   G: & F: & O: & P: & & & & \\
   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Part to duplicate if needed %%%%%%%%%%%
   \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{} & \multirow{ 2}{*}{} &  \multirow{ 2}{*}{} &  \multirow{ 2}{*}{} &   \multirow{ 2}{*}{}\\
   G: & F: & O: & P: & & & & \\
   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Part to duplicate if needed %%%%%%%%%%%
   \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{} & \multirow{ 2}{*}{} &  \multirow{ 2}{*}{} &  \multirow{ 2}{*}{} &   \multirow{ 2}{*}{}\\
   G: & F: & O: & P: & & & & \\


我明白了 在此处输入图片描述 宽度没问题,因为我在多行中定义了它,但为什么高度没有变化?干杯




问题是多行单元格中的文本高度大于对应的行,而行跨度为multirow。一个(粗鲁的)解决方案是使其中一行更高。假设单元格multirow最多有 4 行文本,我定义了两个新命令(用于方便表格设置):

  • \newcommand\mch[1]{\multicolumn{4}{@{\rule[-1.2em]{0pt}{3.2em}}|c|}{#1}},用于multirow单元格中上行高出 4 行文本的数量(参见完整代码)和

  • \newcommand\mrh[2][0ex]{\multirow{2}*[#1]{\begin{minipage}{\hsize}#2\end{minipage}}},可以手动调整multirow环境中的文本






    \multicolumn{8}{|c|}{\textbf{ANALYSE DE RISQUE}}\\
    \multicolumn{8}{|c|}{\textbf{Poste de travail ou machine:}}\\
    \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{\textbf{Risque}} & \textbf{Indice} &  \textbf{Situation Dangereuse} &  \textbf{Conséquence} &  \textbf{Mesure Corrective}\\
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\mch{Heavy weight of mother roller}
    &   \mrh{} 
        &   \mrh[1.5ex]{The heavy mother coil is lifted to a high level and has the possibility of falling.}
            &   \mrh[1.5ex]{The operator working in the moving range may be hited or crushed by the falling mother coil. }
                &   \mrh[1ex]{
                Install a laser sensor to detect the operator moving around the crane and lower the mother coil if it detects someone is approaching this area.
   G:1 & F:1 & O:1 & P:1 & & & & \\
