% Set up the canvas
\tkzInit[xmin=0, xmax=7, ymin=0, ymax=4.5]
% Clip things outside the canvas
% Define two starting points on a horizontal
% Find a point perpendicular to A,C
% Give that new point a name
% Find the point on the intersection between AC and a circle centered on A passing through B
% It doesn't really make sense to fill the sectors, since we're concerned with angles, not areas
%\tkzDrawSector[fill=BrickRed!40, draw=none](A,B')(B)
%\tkzDrawPolygon[fill=gray!20, draw=none](A,C,B)
%\tkzDrawSector[fill=Dandelion!60, draw=none](A,C)(B)
% Draw the segments
\tkzDrawSegments[gray](A,B A,B')
\tkzDrawSegment[black, very thick](C,B)
% Draw the arcs
\tkzDrawArc[draw=BrickRed, very thick](A,C)(B)
\tkzDrawArc[draw=MidnightBlue, very thick](A,B')(B)
% Label the points
\tkzLabelPoints[below left](A)
% Get the radii of the sectors so we can place the sector labels nicely
\tkzLabelAngle[pos=(\rAB), anchor=south west, text=MidnightBlue](B,A,C){$\theta$}
\tkzLabelAngle[pos=(\rAC), anchor=north east, text=BrickRed!70!black](B,A,C){$\theta\cos\theta$}