我正在准备一份手稿美国国家科学院院刊遇到了表格问题。例如这问题/答案,表格放在 之后\end{article}
显示 。我已将范围缩小到siunits
我使用的包,当删除它(以及所有 的使用\SI
。有没有办法解决这个问题,还是我应该启动一个 Word 文档(好的,空威胁)?
\usepackage{siunitx} % makes the table screwed up...
\title{Paper title}
\author{Avi Ginsburg \affil{1}{Somewhere over the rainbow}}
\contributor{Submitted to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
of the United States of America}
\significancetext{Quite insignificant.}
abstract (adjective) existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.
\dropcap{H}ello world. Small is $\SI{1}{\angstrom}$ or so.
We are grateful to egreg for expressing sympathy for those who have to use the PNAS class.
% \centering
\caption{Table title - We like to see them}
\begin{tabular}{c c c }
\textbf{Something} & \textbf{Else} \\
& & \\
& accidental\tablenote{this is a table note} & \\
& aimless & \\
& arbitrary & \\
& incidental & \\
& indiscriminate & \\
& irregular & \\
& case & \\
& illustration&\\
& lesson &\\
& object & \\
& part & \\