我基本上无法在 LaTeX 中转到新的缩进段落。我在 WinEdt 中写作,当我在两个段落之间留空行时,它也会在输出中生成一个空行。但我不想在两者之间留空行,我想要一个缩进的文本。
但有些同事告诉我不要这样做。那么 LaTeX 如何自动创建新的缩进段落呢?
I basically cannot go to a new indented paragraph in LaTeX. I'm writing in WinEdt and when I leave en empty line between two paragraphs, it also generates an empty line at the output. But I don't want an empty line between the two, I want an indented text.
I used to use this but some colleagues told me to avoid this. So how does LaTeX automatically make a new indented paragraph