添加在 lstinputlisting 中被忽略的特殊关键字

添加在 lstinputlisting 中被忽略的特殊关键字


屏幕截图显示了我的问题。我正在编写ROOT数据分析框架的教程文档(https://root.cern.ch) 有自己的 C++ 解释器,其用户提示符root [n]如下所示。


在大多数情况下,使用lstlisting环境和c++选项对于 ROOT 解释器来说工作正常。但是当root (cont'ed, cancel with .@)在解释器上打印时,此消息中的单引号被视为 C 字符串的开头,因此代码的颜色变为绿色。

root [0] TH2D* h2 = new TH2D("h2", "2D Gaussian Distribution;#it{x};#it{y};Entries", 100, -10, 10, 100, -10, 10)
(TH2D *) 0x7fe8c3615eb0
root [1] const Double_t kSigma = 2.
(const Double_t) 2.00000
root [2] for(Int_t i = 0; i < 100000; i++){
root (cont'ed, cancel with .@) [3] Double_t x = gRandom->Gaus(0, kSigma);
root (cont'ed, cancel with .@) [4] Double_t y = gRandom->Gaus(0, kSigma);
root (cont'ed, cancel with .@) [5] h2->Fill(x, y);
root (cont'ed, cancel with .@) [6] }
root [7] TCanvas* can = new TCanvas("can", "can", 600, 600)
(TCanvas *) 0x7fe8c359a9a0
root [8] h2->Draw("colz")




\newcommand{\conted}{\texttt{cont'ed}} % for ROOT 6 prompt

root [0] TH2D* h2 = new TH2D("h2", "2D Gaussian Distribution;#it{x};#it{y};Entries", 100, -10, 10, 100, -10, 10)
(TH2D *) 0x7fe8c3615eb0
root [1] const Double_t kSigma = 2.
(const Double_t) 2.00000
root [2] for(Int_t i = 0; i < 100000; i++){
root ($\conted$, cancel with .@) [3] Double_t x = gRandom->Gaus(0, kSigma);
root ($\conted$, cancel with .@) [4] Double_t y = gRandom->Gaus(0, kSigma);
root ($\conted$, cancel with .@) [5] h2->Fill(x, y);
root ($\conted$, cancel with .@) [6] }
root [7] TCanvas* can = new TCanvas("can", "can", 600, 600)
(TCanvas *) 0x7fe8c359a9a0
root [8] h2->Draw("colz")
