






  ass/.append style={
    before computing xy={l=\baselineskip},
    no edge
    for tree={
      child anchor=north,
      parent anchor=south

\subsection*{Exercises 25}
\item Show the following simple arguments are valid by translating into QL and
  using trees.
  \item Everyone is rational; hence Socrates is rational.

        [$\forall xRx$
        [$\neg Rs$,ass
  \item No one loves Angharad; hence Caradoc doesn’t love Angharad.

        [$\forall x\neg Lxa$
        [$\neg\neg Lca\checkmark$,ass
        [$\neg Lca$,ass
  \item No philosopher speaks Welsh; Jones is a philosopher; hence Jones
    does not speak Welsh.

        [$\forall x(Fx\supset\neg Gx)$
        [$\neg\neg Gj\checkmark$,ass
        [$Fj\supset\neg Gj$,ass
        [$\neg Fj$ [*,ass]]
        [$\neg Gj$ [*,ass]]]]]]]
  \item Jones doesn’t speak Welsh; hence not everyone speaks Welsh.

        [$\neg Gj$
        [$\neg\neg\forall xGx\checkmark$,ass
        [$\forall xGx$,ass
        [$Gj$,ass [*,ass]]]]]
  \item Socrates is rational; hence someone is rational.

        [$\neg\exists xRx\checkmark$,ass
        [$\forall x\neg Rx$,ass
        [$\neg Rs$,ass [*,ass]]]]]
  \item Some philosophers speak Welsh; all Welsh speakers sing well;
    hence some philosophers sing well.

        [$\exists x(Fx\wedge Gx)\checkmark$
        [$\forall x(Gx\supset Sx)$,ass
        [$\neg\exists x(Fx\wedge Sx)\checkmark$,ass
        [$\forall x\neg(Fx\wedge Sx)$,ass
        [$\neg Ga$ [*,ass]]
        [$\neg Ga$ [*,ass]] [$\neg Sa$ [*,ass]]]]]]]]]
  \item All electrons are leptons; all leptons have half-integral spin; hence
    all electrons have half-integral spin.

        [$\forall x(Ex\supset Lx)$
        [$\forall x(Lx\supset Hx)$,ass
        [$\neg\forall x(Ex\supset Hx)\checkmark$,ass
        [$\exists x\neg(Ex\supset Hx)\checkmark$,ass
        [$\neg Ha$,ass
        [$\neg Ea$ [*,ass]]
        [$\neg La$ [*,ass]] [$Ha$ [*,ass]]]]]]]]]
  \item All logicians are philosophers; all philosophers are rational people;
    no rational person is a flat-earther; hence no logician is a flat-earther.

        [$\forall x(Lx\supset Fx)$
        [$\forall x(Fx\supset Rx)$,ass
        [$\forall x(Rx\supset\neg Ex)$,ass
        [$\neg\neg\exists x(Lx\wedge Ex)\checkmark$,ass
        [$\exists x(Lx\wedge Ex)\checkmark$,ass
        [$\neg La$ [*,ass]] [$Fa$
        [$\neg Fa$ [*,ass]] [$Ra$
        [$\neg Ra$ [*,ass]] [$\neg Ea$ [*,ass]]]]]]]]]]]
  \item If Jones is a bad philosopher, then some Welsh speaker is irrational;
    but every Welsh speaker is rational; hence Jones is not a bad philosopher.

        [$Bj\supset\exists x(Gx\wedge\neg Rx)\checkmark$
        [$\forall x(Gx\supset Rx)$,ass
        [$\neg\neg Bj\checkmark$,ass
        [$\neg Bj$ [*,ass]] [$\exists x(Gx\wedge\neg Rx)\checkmark$
        [$\neg Rj$,ass
        [$\neg Gj$ [*,ass]] [$Rj$ [*,ass]]]]]]]]]




\setlist[enumerate,1]{label=\bfseries\Alph*,align=left,leftmargin=*, labelsep=1.5em}
\setlist[enumerate,2]{label=\arabic*.,labelindent=1em,labelsep=1.5em, leftmargin=*}


  ass/.append style={
    before computing xy={l=\baselineskip},
    no edge
    for tree={
      child anchor=north,
      parent anchor=south
  default preamble={
    for root={baseline},
    for tree={%
      if n children=1{for children={ass}}{},
      math content

\subsection*{Exercises 25}
  \item Show the following simple arguments are valid by translating into QL and
  using trees.
    \item Everyone is rational; hence Socrates is rational.
        [\forall xRx
        [\neg Rs
    \item No one loves Angharad; hence Caradoc doesn’t love Angharad.
        [\forall x\neg Lxa
        [\neg\neg Lca\checkmark
        [\neg Lca
    \item No philosopher speaks Welsh; Jones is a philosopher; hence Jones
    does not speak Welsh.
        [\forall x(Fx\supset\neg Gx)
        [\neg\neg Gj\checkmark
        [Fj\supset\neg Gj
        [\neg Fj [*]]
        [\neg Gj [*]]]]]]]
    \item Jones doesn’t speak Welsh; hence not everyone speaks Welsh.
        [\neg Gj
        [\neg\neg\forall xGx\checkmark
        [\forall xGx
        [Gj [*]]]]]
    \item Socrates is rational; hence someone is rational.
        [\neg\exists xRx\checkmark
        [\forall x\neg Rx
        [\neg Rs [*]]]]]
    \item Some philosophers speak Welsh; all Welsh speakers sing well;
    hence some philosophers sing well.
        [\exists x(Fx\wedge Gx)\checkmark
        [\forall x(Gx\supset Sx)
        [\neg\exists x(Fx\wedge Sx)\checkmark
        [\forall x\neg(Fx\wedge Sx)
        [\neg Ga [*]]
        [\neg Ga [*]] [\neg Sa [*]]]]]]]]]
    \item All electrons are leptons; all leptons have half-integral spin; hence
    all electrons have half-integral spin.
        [\forall x(Ex\supset Lx)
        [\forall x(Lx\supset Hx)
        [\neg\forall x(Ex\supset Hx)\checkmark
        [\exists x\neg(Ex\supset Hx)\checkmark
        [\neg Ha
        [\neg Ea [*]]
        [\neg La [*]] [Ha [*]]]]]]]]]
    \item All logicians are philosophers; all philosophers are rational people;
    no rational person is a flat-earther; hence no logician is a flat-earther.
        [\forall x(Lx\supset Fx)
        [\forall x(Fx\supset Rx)
        [\forall x(Rx\supset\neg Ex)
        [\neg\neg\exists x(Lx\wedge Ex)\checkmark
        [\exists x(Lx\wedge Ex)\checkmark
        [\neg La [*]] [Fa
        [\neg Fa [*]] [Ra
        [\neg Ra [*]] [\neg Ea [*]]]]]]]]]]]
    \item If Jones is a bad philosopher, then some Welsh speaker is irrational;
    but every Welsh speaker is rational; hence Jones is not a bad philosopher.
        [Bj\supset\exists x(Gx\wedge\neg Rx)\checkmark
        [\forall x(Gx\supset Rx)
        [\neg\neg Bj\checkmark
        [\neg Bj [*]] [\exists x(Gx\wedge\neg Rx)\checkmark
        [\neg Rj
        [\neg Gj [*]] [Rj [*]]]]]]]]]




  default preamble={
    for root={ass},
    for tree={%
      if n children=1{for children={ass}}{},
      math content
    before typesetting nodes={
    before packing={
    before drawing tree={




\setlist[enumerate,1]{label=\bfseries\Alph*,align=left,leftmargin=*, labelsep=1.5em}
\setlist[enumerate,2]{label=\arabic*.,labelindent=1em,labelsep=1.5em, leftmargin=*}


  ass/.append style={
    before computing xy={l=\baselineskip},
    no edge
    for tree={
      child anchor=north,
      parent anchor=south,
  default preamble={
    for root={ass},
    for tree={%
      if n children=1{for children={ass}}{},
      math content
    before typesetting nodes={
    before packing={
    before drawing tree={

\subsection*{Exercises 25}
  \item Show the following simple arguments are valid by translating into QL and using trees.
    \item Everyone is rational; hence Socrates is rational.

        [\forall xRx
        [\neg Rs
    \item No one loves Angharad; hence Caradoc doesn’t love Angharad.

        [\forall x\neg Lxa
        [\neg\neg Lca\checkmark
        [\neg Lca
    \item No philosopher speaks Welsh; Jones is a philosopher; hence Jones does not speak Welsh.

        [\forall x(Fx\supset\neg Gx)
        [\neg\neg Gj\checkmark
        [Fj\supset\neg Gj
        [\neg Fj [*]]
        [\neg Gj [*]]]]]]]
    \item Jones doesn’t speak Welsh; hence not everyone speaks Welsh.

        [\neg Gj
        [\neg\neg\forall xGx\checkmark
        [\forall xGx
        [Gj [*]]]]]
    \item Socrates is rational; hence someone is rational.

        [\neg\exists xRx\checkmark
        [\forall x\neg Rx
        [\neg Rs [*]]]]]
    \item Some philosophers speak Welsh; all Welsh speakers sing well; hence some philosophers sing well.

        [\exists x(Fx\wedge Gx)\checkmark
        [\forall x(Gx\supset Sx)
        [\neg\exists x(Fx\wedge Sx)\checkmark
        [\forall x\neg(Fx\wedge Sx)
        [\neg Ga [*]]
        [\neg Ga [*]] [\neg Sa [*]]]]]]]]]
    \item All electrons are leptons; all leptons have half-integral spin; hence all electrons have half-integral spin.

        [\forall x(Ex\supset Lx)
        [\forall x(Lx\supset Hx)
        [\neg\forall x(Ex\supset Hx)\checkmark
        [\exists x\neg(Ex\supset Hx)\checkmark
        [\neg Ha
        [\neg Ea [*]]
        [\neg La [*]] [Ha [*]]]]]]]]]
    \item All logicians are philosophers; all philosophers are rational people; no rational person is a flat-earther; hence no logician is a flat-earther.

        [\forall x(Lx\supset Fx)
        [\forall x(Fx\supset Rx)
        [\forall x(Rx\supset\neg Ex)
        [\neg\neg\exists x(Lx\wedge Ex)\checkmark
        [\exists x(Lx\wedge Ex)\checkmark
        [\neg La [*]] [Fa
        [\neg Fa [*]] [Ra
        [\neg Ra [*]] [\neg Ea [*]]]]]]]]]]]
    \item If Jones is a bad philosopher, then some Welsh speaker is irrational; but every Welsh speaker is rational; hence Jones is not a bad philosopher.

        [Bj\supset\exists x(Gx\wedge\neg Rx)\checkmark
        [\forall x(Gx\supset Rx)
        [\neg\neg Bj\checkmark
        [\neg Bj [*]] [\exists x(Gx\wedge\neg Rx)\checkmark
        [\neg Rj
        [\neg Gj [*]] [Rj [*]]]]]]]]]


您始终可以将整个物品放入 中\parbox[t]{\linewidth}{...}




  ass/.append style={
    before computing xy={l=\baselineskip},
    no edge
    for tree={
      child anchor=north,
      parent anchor=south

\subsection*{Exercises 25}
\item Show the following simple arguments are valid by translating into QL and
  using trees.
  \item Everyone is rational; hence Socrates is rational.

        [$\forall xRx$
        [$\neg Rs$,ass
  \item No one loves Angharad; hence Caradoc doesn’t love Angharad.

        [$\forall x\neg Lxa$
        [$\neg\neg Lca\checkmark$,ass
        [$\neg Lca$,ass
  \item No philosopher speaks Welsh; Jones is a philosopher; hence Jones
    does not speak Welsh.

        [$\forall x(Fx\supset\neg Gx)$
        [$\neg\neg Gj\checkmark$,ass
        [$Fj\supset\neg Gj$,ass
        [$\neg Fj$ [*,ass]]
        [$\neg Gj$ [*,ass]]]]]]]
  \item\parbox[t]{\linewidth}{Jones doesn’t speak Welsh; hence not everyone speaks Welsh.

        [$\neg Gj$
        [$\neg\neg\forall xGx\checkmark$,ass
        [$\forall xGx$,ass
        [$Gj$,ass [*,ass]]]]]
  \item Socrates is rational; hence someone is rational.

        [$\neg\exists xRx\checkmark$,ass
        [$\forall x\neg Rx$,ass
        [$\neg Rs$,ass [*,ass]]]]]
  \item Some philosophers speak Welsh; all Welsh speakers sing well;
    hence some philosophers sing well.

        [$\exists x(Fx\wedge Gx)\checkmark$
        [$\forall x(Gx\supset Sx)$,ass
        [$\neg\exists x(Fx\wedge Sx)\checkmark$,ass
        [$\forall x\neg(Fx\wedge Sx)$,ass
        [$\neg Ga$ [*,ass]]
        [$\neg Ga$ [*,ass]] [$\neg Sa$ [*,ass]]]]]]]]]
  \item All electrons are leptons; all leptons have half-integral spin; hence
    all electrons have half-integral spin.

        [$\forall x(Ex\supset Lx)$
        [$\forall x(Lx\supset Hx)$,ass
        [$\neg\forall x(Ex\supset Hx)\checkmark$,ass
        [$\exists x\neg(Ex\supset Hx)\checkmark$,ass
        [$\neg Ha$,ass
        [$\neg Ea$ [*,ass]]
        [$\neg La$ [*,ass]] [$Ha$ [*,ass]]]]]]]]]
  \item All logicians are philosophers; all philosophers are rational people;
    no rational person is a flat-earther; hence no logician is a flat-earther.

        [$\forall x(Lx\supset Fx)$
        [$\forall x(Fx\supset Rx)$,ass
        [$\forall x(Rx\supset\neg Ex)$,ass
        [$\neg\neg\exists x(Lx\wedge Ex)\checkmark$,ass
        [$\exists x(Lx\wedge Ex)\checkmark$,ass
        [$\neg La$ [*,ass]] [$Fa$
        [$\neg Fa$ [*,ass]] [$Ra$
        [$\neg Ra$ [*,ass]] [$\neg Ea$ [*,ass]]]]]]]]]]]
  \item If Jones is a bad philosopher, then some Welsh speaker is irrational;
    but every Welsh speaker is rational; hence Jones is not a bad philosopher.

        [$Bj\supset\exists x(Gx\wedge\neg Rx)\checkmark$
        [$\forall x(Gx\supset Rx)$,ass
        [$\neg\neg Bj\checkmark$,ass
        [$\neg Bj$ [*,ass]] [$\exists x(Gx\wedge\neg Rx)\checkmark$
        [$\neg Rj$,ass
        [$\neg Gj$ [*,ass]] [$Rj$ [*,ass]]]]]]]]]

