是否可以定义一个 LaTeX 命令,将引用键作为输入,并将该键第一次出现的文章部分(内部\cite{}
)作为输出,即第一次引用此给定参考文献的位置?(不使用 bibtex 或 biblatex)
我不确定您的用例,但这里为您提供了一个使用 package 的起点backref
。至少,它会在项目本身之后打印每个 bib.-item 被引用的部分数量。
\ifcase #1 %
No citations.%
One citation in section #2.%
#1 citations in sections #2.%
\section{First Section}
\section{Second Section}
\cite{CA}, \cite{MSW00}, \cite{Rei91}
\section{Third Section}
\cite{MSW00}, \cite{Rei91}
\section{Fourth Section}
\cite{CA}, \cite{MSW00}, \cite{Rei91}
\bibitem{HB98} Huynen, M.~A. and Bork, P. 1998. Measuring genome
evolution. {\itshape Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
USA} 95:5849--5856.
\bibitem{CA} Caprara, A. 1997. Sorting by reversals is difficult. In:
{\itshape Proceedings of the First Annual International Conference
on Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB 97),} New York: ACM.
pp. 75--83.
\bibitem{MSW00} McLysaght, A., Seoighe, C. and Wolfe, K.~H. 2000. High
frequency of inversions during eukaryote gene order evolution. In
Sankoff, D. and Nadeau, J.~H., editors, {\itshape Comparative
Genomics}, Dordrecht, NL: Kluwer Academic Press. pp. 47--58.
\bibitem{Rei91} Reinelt, G. 1991. {\itshape The Traveling Salesman -
Computational Solutions for TSP Applications.} Berlin: Springer
{\section*{\refname}% %% use \bibname instead of
% %% \refname if using the
% %% report or book document classes
% %% ^^ added \the\c@section
% %% ^^ added \the\c@section
\@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
{\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
Blah blah blah~\cite{cite1}, and see later~\cite{cite2}.
\bibitem{cite1} Foo bar.
Bleh bleh bleh~\cite{cite2}. And also~\cite{cite1}.
\bibitem{cite2} Baz bof.