

我设计了一些小命令来为我的笔记添加一个漂亮的“标注”;请考虑以下 MWE(该问题也在那里解释):

\tikzset{remember picture, 
    round mark/.style={
    circle, draw=yellow, minimum size=5mm, fill opacity=0.5, fill=yellow,


\newcommand{\roundmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay, remember picture, baseline=-0.5ex]
    \node [round mark, anchor=west] (#1) {};}
\NewDocumentCommand \addline {O{} m m }{%
    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
        \draw[ultra thick, yellow, ->, #1 ] (expl@#2) -- (#3);
\NewDocumentCommand \margincallout {O{} m +m }{%
    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
        \node [ anchor=west, draw=orange, fill=yellow!20,  
            text width=\marginparwidth, align=left, font=\small, 
            #1 ] (expl@#2)
            at (0,0) {
        \draw[ultra thick, yellow,->] (expl@#2) -- (#2);


I can mark thing in \roundmark{a}the main text and then have nice callouts from the marginpar to this point. 
\margincallout{a}{This is a callout, a nice one and it's ok.}

% thanks @bloodworks http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/62285/38080
% require package capt-of
            \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,
                        xmin=0, xmax=10, domain=0:10,
                        enlarge y limits = 0.2,
                        ylabel = {Sensor R (\si{k\ohm})},
                        xlabel = {Kryporad (\si{\krypt})},
                        legend pos = north west, 
                        legend style={nodes=right},
                    \addplot[red] {134 + 18.5*x + 15.0*sin(deg(0.664*x))};
                    \addplot[blue, dashed] {143 + 16.8*x};
                    \legend{non-linear fit, linear fit}
                \node [round mark] (hor-axis) at (4,-0.5) {}; 
                \node [round mark] (ver-axis) at (-0.5,4) {}; 
                %\draw (0,0) grid (5,5);

        \caption{With a bit of guesswork I can mark things in the graphics, too}
\margincallout[yshift=3cm]{hor-axis}{\textbf{Always} name the axis and columns, and use units when needed}

Uncomment the following to see the error: 

%But if I want to put the callout \textbf{before} the mark, 
%as in \margincallout{future}{A forward callout} it will not work, and give me an error. 

%The mark will be \roundmark{future}here, for example. 



MWE 的结果






\tikzset{remember picture, 
    round mark/.style={
    circle, draw=yellow, minimum size=5mm, fill opacity=0.5, fill=yellow,


    \node [baseline=-0.5ex, round mark, anchor=west]{}}]{#1}}
\NewDocumentCommand \addline {O{} m m }{%
    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
        \draw[ultra thick, yellow, ->, #1 ] (expl@#2) -- (pic  cs:#3);
\NewDocumentCommand \margincallout {O{} m +m }{%
    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
        \node [ anchor=west, draw=orange, fill=yellow!20,  
            text width=\marginparwidth, align=left, font=\small, 
            #1 ] (expl@#2)
            at (0,0) {
        \draw[ultra thick, yellow,->] (expl@#2) -- (pic cs: #2); 


I can mark thing in \rtikzmark{a}the main text and then have nice callouts from the marginpar to this point. 
\margincallout{a}{This is a callout, a nice one and it's ok.}

% thanks @bloodworks http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/62285/38080
% require package capt-of
            \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,
                        xmin=0, xmax=10, domain=0:10,
                        enlarge y limits = 0.2,
                        ylabel = {Sensor R (\si{k\ohm})},
                        xlabel = {Kryporad (\si{\krypt})},
                        legend pos = north west, 
                        legend style={nodes=right},
                    \addplot[red] {134 + 18.5*x + 15.0*sin(deg(0.664*x))};
                    \addplot[blue, dashed] {143 + 16.8*x};
                    \legend{non-linear fit, linear fit}
                \node [round mark] at (4,-0.5) {}; \tikzmark{hor-axis};
                \node [round mark] at (-0.5,4) {}; \tikzmark{ver-axis};
                %\draw (0,0) grid (5,5);

        \caption{With a bit of guesswork I can mark things in the graphics, too}
\margincallout[yshift=3cm]{hor-axis}{\textbf{Always} name the axis and columns, and use units when needed}

Uncomment the following to see the error: 

But if I want to put the callout \textbf{before} the mark, 
as in \margincallout{future}{A forward callout} it will not work, and give me an error. 

The mark will be \rtikzmark{future}here, for example. 









它从一开始就具有的一个特性是,它旨在被使用外部命令\tikztikzpicture环境。在内部,我们的想法是,这样就可以完全访问 TikZ 的正常坐标记忆服务,因此不需要\tikzmark

然而,上述关键特征是不是TikZ 提供的功能。没有办法tikzpicture在声明之前引用内部坐标。因此,如果想要这样做,就需要一些新东西。

这个问题的关键特征是,提问者希望使用相同的机制来引用 a 内部tikzpicture和外部的坐标。因此,这表明在 tikzpictures 中提供这种透视坐标功能的正确方法是扩展 tikzmark。

这其实很简单。简而言之,tikzmark 所做的就是将标签与 tikzpicture 的原点关联起来,所有繁重的工作都在坐标系中完成。扩展是添加一个潜在的偏移量,这样一旦 tikz 确定了页面上所述 tikzpicture 的原点,它就会应用偏移量。将其与测试结合起来,看看我们是否在 tikzpicture 内,一切就完成了。

(值得注意的是,如果您切换到这个新版本,您应该在重新编译之前删除 aux 文件,否则您会在第一次重新编译时遇到很多错误。)

语法里面tikzpicture 是\tikzmark{label}{coordinate},例如\tikmark{a}{(3,4)}。这意味着坐标(pic cs:a)将指向(3,4)当前图片中的点。

您可以从以下位置下载此新版本的 tikzmarkgithub:下载tikzmark.dtx并运行tex tikzmark.dtx以生成文件。

因此新的,改进的 \tikzmark现在,代码再次恢复到合理状态:

\tikzset{remember picture, 
    round mark/.style={
    circle, draw=yellow, minimum size=5mm, fill opacity=0.5, fill=yellow,


    \node [baseline=-0.5ex, round mark, anchor=west]{}}]{#1}}
\NewDocumentCommand \addline {O{} m m }{%
    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
        \draw[ultra thick, yellow, ->, #1 ] (expl@#2) -- (pic cs:#3);

\NewDocumentCommand \margincallout {O{} m +m }{%
    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
        \node [ anchor=west, draw=orange, fill=yellow!20,  
            text width=\marginparwidth, align=left, font=\small, 
            #1 ] (expl@#2)
            at (0,0) {
        \draw[ultra thick, yellow,->] (expl@#2) -- (pic cs:#2); 


I can mark thing in \rtikzmark{a}the main text and then have nice callouts from the marginpar to this point. 
\margincallout{a}{This is a callout, a nice one and it's ok.}

% thanks @bloodworks http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/62285/38080
% require package capt-of
            \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,
                        xmin=0, xmax=10, domain=0:10,
                        enlarge y limits = 0.2,
                        ylabel = {Sensor R (\si{k\ohm})},
                        xlabel = {Kryporad (\si{\krypt})},
                        legend pos = north west, 
                        legend style={nodes=right},
                    \addplot[red] {134 + 18.5*x + 15.0*sin(deg(0.664*x))};
                    \addplot[blue, dashed] {143 + 16.8*x};
                    \legend{non-linear fit, linear fit}
                \node [round mark] at (4,-0.5) (hor-axis) {};
                \node [round mark] at (-0.5,4) (ver-axis) {};
                \node [round mark] at (0,0) (origin) {};
                %\draw (0,0) grid (5,5);

        \caption{With a bit of guesswork I can mark things in the graphics, too}
\margincallout[yshift=4cm]{hor-axis}{\textbf{Always} name the axis and columns, and use units when needed}

Uncomment the following to see the error: 

But if I want to put the callout \textbf{before} the mark, 
as in \margincallout{future}{A forward callout} it will not work, and give me an error. 

The mark will be \rtikzmark{future}here, for example. 





(首先,我发现了tikzmark与 交互中的一个错误marginpar。我怀疑有错误的版本比 CTAN 上的版本新,因为你不应该得到任何事物在你的第二个例子中,如果你使用的是有缺陷的版本。无论如何,更新版本是可在 github 上获取

其次,更重要的是,\tikzmark它不是设计用来里面环境tikzpicture。如果你这样做,事情就会出错。这甚至比使用正则表达式解析 HTML 更严重。关键是,如果你在环境中,tikzpicture那么你可以访问 tikz 的所有节点和坐标定位内容,而不需要 tikzmark。

(请注意,无论我说了多少次“不要在 tikzpicture 中使用 tikzmark”,人们似乎都想使用它。也许我应该咬紧牙关,弄清楚如何让它发挥作用。)

诚然,这意味着您需要两个版本的标注代码:一个用于标记在 tikzpicture 中的情况,另一个用于标记不在 tikzpicture 中的情况。可能有巧妙的方法来编写代码以避免这种情况,但我脑子不太好,现在还不能想得那么远。


\tikzset{remember picture, 
    round mark/.style={
    circle, draw=yellow, minimum size=5mm, fill opacity=0.5, fill=yellow,


    \node [baseline=-0.5ex, round mark, anchor=west]{}}]{#1}}
\NewDocumentCommand \addline {O{} m m }{%
    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
        \draw[ultra thick, yellow, ->, #1 ] (expl@#2) -- (pic cs:#3);

\NewDocumentCommand \addlineb {O{} m m }{%
    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
        \draw[ultra thick, yellow, ->, #1 ] (expl@#2) -- (#3);

\NewDocumentCommand \margincallout {O{} m +m }{%
    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
        \node [ anchor=west, draw=orange, fill=yellow!20,  
            text width=\marginparwidth, align=left, font=\small, 
            #1 ] (expl@#2)
            at (0,0) {
        \draw[ultra thick, yellow,->] (expl@#2) -- (pic cs:#2); 

\NewDocumentCommand \margincalloutb {O{} m +m }{%
    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
        \node [ anchor=west, draw=orange, fill=yellow!20,  
            text width=\marginparwidth, align=left, font=\small, 
            #1 ] (expl@#2)
            at (0,0) {
        \draw[ultra thick, yellow,->] (expl@#2) -- (#2); 


I can mark thing in \rtikzmark{a}the main text and then have nice callouts from the marginpar to this point. 
\margincallout{a}{This is a callout, a nice one and it's ok.}

% thanks @bloodworks http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/62285/38080
% require package capt-of
            \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,
                        xmin=0, xmax=10, domain=0:10,
                        enlarge y limits = 0.2,
                        ylabel = {Sensor R (\si{k\ohm})},
                        xlabel = {Kryporad (\si{\krypt})},
                        legend pos = north west, 
                        legend style={nodes=right},
                    \addplot[red] {134 + 18.5*x + 15.0*sin(deg(0.664*x))};
                    \addplot[blue, dashed] {143 + 16.8*x};
                    \legend{non-linear fit, linear fit}
                \node [round mark] at (4,-0.5) (hor-axis) {};
                \node [round mark] at (-0.5,4) (ver-axis) {};
                \node [round mark] at (0,0) (origin) {};
                %\draw (0,0) grid (5,5);

        \caption{With a bit of guesswork I can mark things in the graphics, too}
\margincalloutb[yshift=4cm]{hor-axis}{\textbf{Always} name the axis and columns, and use units when needed}

Uncomment the following to see the error: 

But if I want to put the callout \textbf{before} the mark, 
as in \margincallout{future}{A forward callout} it will not work, and give me an error. 

The mark will be \rtikzmark{future}here, for example. 


标注和 tikzmark
