使用 IEEEtranN 书目样式时,设置引文标注中的作者数量限制

使用 IEEEtranN 书目样式时,设置引文标注中的作者数量限制

我知道线索在 biblatex 中使用“et al.”时,限制为一位作者但这个线程是关于 BibTeX 的。

BibTeX 中的参考书目代码


\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{\insertbiblabel} % I think not necessary

\frametitle{Cesarean Section and Epidemiology}

\item First Modern C-section by Ferdinand Adolf Kehrer 1881. \cite{history_c_section}
\item Surgical procedure where one or more incisions are made through a mother's abdomen and uterus to deliver one or more babies.
\item 2012, 23M globally. \cite{molina} 10-15\% of all. \cite{who_c_section} but >19\% better? 




@book{ history_c_section,
  author = "Dadebo, Dr. Benjamin",
  year = 2012,
  title = "Begat By God: Understanding the Concept of Being Born Again",
  publisher = "Xlibris Corporation",
  pages = "31–",
  note = "ISBN 978-1-4771-0612-9"

@article{ who_c_section,
  author = "WHO",
  title = "{WHO Statement on Caesarean Section Rates}",
  year = 2015,
  note= "[Online; accessed 7-Feb-2015]"

@article{ molina,
  author = "Molina, G and Weiser, TG and Lipsitz, SR and Esquivel, MM and Uribe-Leitz, T and Azad, T and Shah, N and Semrau, K and Berry, WR and Gawande, AA and Haynes, AB",
  year = 2015,
  title = "{Relationship Between Cesarean Delivery Rate and Maternal and Neonatal Mortality}",
  journal = "JAMA 314",
  volume = "21",
  pages = "2263–70"

在一个页面中输出 Molina 的问题



Mico 的解决方案解决了最初的错误,但带来了一些麻烦。我得到了奇怪的顶栏参考在每张幻灯片中



如何限制 Beamer 书目中的作者数量?


由于您使用的是IEEEtranN书目样式——提示:最后一个NinIEEEtranN代表“natbib”——您应该加载natbib引文管理包。一旦您这样做了,您将在由 生成的引文标注中获得所需的(即截断的)作者列表\cite
