


现在,我在使用 的超链接编译描述列表时遇到了困难hyperref


我想制作描述列表项(我们将每个项称为键值对) 的键中包含超链接。


描述列表已被重新定义一次,以允许标签引用宏(即 提供的宏menukeys)。

\usepackage{fontspec} % for xelatex

\setlist[description]{style=nextline,labelwidth=0pt,leftmargin=30pt,itemindent=\dimexpr-20pt-\labelsep\relax} % Global Setup Description List
\makeatletter % Redefinition of Description List Items source: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/1248/13552

\section{User Interface}
The following is a list of important user interface components:
  \item [Main Window] The main window. % <-- Not so cool.
  \item [Side Bar] for navigation. % <-- Not so cool.
  \item [Document Tree] A document tree. % <-- Not so cool.
  %\item [\hyperlink{gui:mainwindow}{Main Window}] The main window. % <-- way cooler
  %\item [\hyperlink{gui:sidebar}{Side Bar}] for navigation. % <-- way cooler
  %\item [\hyperlink{gui:documenttree}{Document Tree}] A document tree. % <-- way cooler

\hypertarget{gui:mainwindow}{\subsection{Main Window}}
Some nice long description.

\hypertarget{gui:sidebar}{\subsection{Side Bar}}
Some nice long description.

\hypertarget{gui:documenttree}{\subsection{Document Tree}}
Some nice long description.



\item是带有移动(可选)参数的命令,即\hyperlink此处易碎。要么使用\protect\hyperlink{...}(每次),要么合并\protect into\item[...] with a redefinition of\item`。


\usepackage{fontspec} % for xelatex

\setlist[description]{style=nextline,labelwidth=0pt,leftmargin=30pt,itemindent=\dimexpr-20pt-\labelsep\relax} % Global Setup Description List



\makeatletter % Redefinition of Description List Items source: http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/1248/13552

\section{User Interface}
The following is a list of important user interface components:
  \item [Main Window] The main window. % <-- Not so cool.
  \item [Side Bar] for navigation. % <-- Not so cool.
  \item [Document Tree] A document tree. % <-- Not so cool.
  \item [\hyperlink{gui:mainwindow}{Main Window}] The main window. % <-- way cooler
  \item [\hyperlink{gui:sidebar}{Side Bar}] for navigation. % <-- way cooler
  \item [\hyperlink{gui:documenttree}{Document Tree}] A document tree. % <-- way cooler


\hypertarget{gui:mainwindow}{\subsection{Main Window}}
Some nice long description.

\hypertarget{gui:sidebar}{\subsection{Side Bar}}
Some nice long description.

\hypertarget{gui:documenttree}{\subsection{Document Tree}}
Some nice long description.




\usepackage{fontspec} % for xelatex

\setlist[description]{style=nextline,labelwidth=0pt,leftmargin=30pt,itemindent=\dimexpr-20pt-\labelsep\relax} % Global Setup Description List


\makeatletter % Redefinition of Description List Items source: http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/1248/13552

\section{User Interface}
The following is a list of important user interface components:
  \item [Main Window] The main window. % <-- Not so cool.
  \item [Side Bar] for navigation. % <-- Not so cool.
  \item [Document Tree] A document tree. % <-- Not so cool.
  \item [\deschyperlink{gui:mainwindow}{Main Window}] The main window. % <-- way cooler
  \item [\deschyperlink{gui:sidebar}{Side Bar}] for navigation. % <-- way cooler
  \item [\deschyperlink{gui:documenttree}{Document Tree}] A document tree. % <-- way cooler


\hypertarget{gui:mainwindow}{\subsection{Main Window}}
Some nice long description.

\hypertarget{gui:sidebar}{\subsection{Side Bar}}
Some nice long description.

\hypertarget{gui:documenttree}{\subsection{Document Tree}}
Some nice long description.




@Tom 在评论中写了这个,但我(不是 TeXpert)认为这是一个合理的答案,因为它按预期工作。这个答案只是为了可见性。
