- 是否可以为使用 tikz 包创建的图形预先分配投影仪幻灯片的一部分(垂直或水平)。
- 在图形部分中,图片的大小根据可用空间进行调整
Beamer 允许我们分配N
列数并排。请参阅 Beamer 手册部分12.7 Splitting a Frame into Multiple Columns
The beamer class offers several commands and
environments for splitting (perhaps only part of)
a frame into multiple columns.
***some text removed***
Columns are especially useful for placing a graphic
next to a description/explanation.
这是一个示例(根据下面的@Zarko 评论进行了修改)
\begin{column}{0.5\textwidth} %width of the column
\caption{Figure caption}
Some long series of text or images or anything really.
Writing here restricts it to right half of this slide.
Some long series of text or images or anything really.