从 [et al.] 中排除某一位作者

从 [et al.] 中排除某一位作者

是否可以使用 biblatex 或任何其他包将特定作者从 [et al.] 中排除?




对于以下biblatex解决方案,您所需要的只是“特殊”名称的名称哈希值(这是 Biber 独有的功能),您可以在使用 biblatex 突出显示参考书目中的作者,并允许使用参考书目样式对其进行格式化。您必须使用,maxbibnames=999以便可以处理所有名称。

解决方案是用省略号替换连续的不太重要的名称,如果我们省略了任何名称,则打印“[et al.]”。

  \ifboolexpr{test {\ifnumcomp{\value{listcount}}{=}{1}}
              or test {\ifnumcomp{\value{listtotal}}{=}{2}}}
    {\iffieldequalstr{hash}{e06f6e5a8c1d5204dea326aa5f4f8d17}%% <----- put the correct hash here
    test {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{\value{liststop}}}
    test \ifmorenames


在示例中,特殊名称是“Anne Uthor”,对应的哈希是e06f6e5a8c1d5204dea326aa5f4f8d17


\usepackage[style=authoryear,backend=biber, maxnames=999]{biblatex}

  author = {Anne Uthor},
  title  = {One Author},
  year   = {2001},
  author = {Anne Uthor and Emma Ditor},
  title  = {Two Authors -- Important First},
  year   = {2002},
  author = {Emma Ditor and Anne Uthor},
  title  = {Two Authors -- Important Second},
  year   = {2002},
  author = {Anne Uthor and Emma Writer and William Riter},
  title  = {Three Authors -- Important First},
  year   = {2003},
  author = {Emma Writer and Anne Uthor and William Riter},
  title  = {Three Authors -- Important Second},
  year   = {2003},
  author = {Emma Writer and William Riter and Anne Uthor},
  title  = {Three Authors -- Important Third},
  year   = {2003},
  author = {Anne Uthor and Emma Writer and William Riter and Catherine T. Ranslator},
  title  = {Four Authors -- Important First},
  year   = {2004},
  author = {Emma Writer and Anne Uthor and William Riter and Catherine T. Ranslator},
  title  = {Four Authors -- Important Second},
  year   = {2004},
  author = {Emma Writer and William Riter and Anne Uthor and Catherine T. Ranslator},
  title  = {Four Authors -- Important Third},
  year   = {2004},
  author = {Emma Writer and William Riter and Catherine T. Ranslator and Anne Uthor},
  title  = {Four Authors -- Important Fourth},
  year   = {2004},


  \ifboolexpr{test {\ifnumcomp{\value{listcount}}{=}{1}}
              or test {\ifnumcomp{\value{listtotal}}{=}{2}}}
    {\iffieldequalstr{hash}{e06f6e5a8c1d5204dea326aa5f4f8d17}%% <----- put the correct hash here
    test {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{\value{liststop}}}
    test \ifmorenames



